
11 Sample Outline 2 – A General Outline Idea

Think Piece 2 – A General Outline for an Essay Choice



    1. Attention
    2. Explanation of the topic/culture
    3. Thesis/Preview


    1. Preparation:
        1. How did you prepare?
          1. Describe your reason for why you chose this co-culture.
          2. What did you intend to learn?
            1. Generally
            2. From the Chapters – you can look to verbal communication, nonverbal communication or culture shock [other topics might also apply].
          3. What did you think about this culture before this assignment?
        2. What did your research teach you?
          1. Summarize your research
          2. What did you learn from the research?
          3. What questions did you still have?

2. How did you explore the culture?

        1. Describe what you did [art, conversation, meetings, presentations, restaurants, site visits].
        2. What did you observe concerning Nonverbal Communication
          1. Explain Term(s) [use of space, use of color, use of time, use of gestures, etc. – see book]
          2. Use the terms to explain the observation.
          3. What did you learn?
          4. Synthesis and conclusion of this section.
        3. What did you observe concerning Verbal Communication
          1. Explain Term(s) [argot, slang, connotative or denotative, use of hate speech, use of inclusive language, etc.]
          2. Use the terms to explain the observation.
          3. What did you learn?
          4. Synthesis and conclusion of this section.

3. Take away: Consider questions such as:

        1. How does this co-culture use verbal and nonverbal communication similarly/differently than your own?
        2. What can be said about symbol use
        3. What can others to do better understand/include this co-culture?
        4. What tips in the book/ Cultural Atlas seem to work/not work?





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