13 Sample Outline 2 – A General Outline Idea
Think Piece 2 – A General Outline for an Essay Choice
- Attention
- Explanation of the topic/culture
- Thesis/Preview
- Preparation:
- How did you prepare?
- Describe your reason for why you chose this co-culture.
- What did you intend to learn?
- Generally
- From the Chapters – you can look to verbal communication, nonverbal communication or culture shock [other topics might also apply].
- What did you think about this culture before this assignment?
- What did your research teach you?
- Summarize your research
- What did you learn from the research?
- What questions did you still have?
- How did you prepare?
- Preparation:
2. How did you explore the culture?
- Describe what you did [art, conversation, meetings, presentations, restaurants, site visits].
- What did you observe concerning Nonverbal Communication
- Explain Term(s) [use of space, use of color, use of time, use of gestures, etc. – see book]
- Use the terms to explain the observation.
- What did you learn?
- Synthesis and conclusion of this section.
- What did you observe concerning Verbal Communication
- Explain Term(s) [argot, slang, connotative or denotative, use of hate speech, use of inclusive language, etc.]
- Use the terms to explain the observation.
- What did you learn?
- Synthesis and conclusion of this section.
3. Take away: Consider questions such as:
- How does this co-culture use verbal and nonverbal communication similarly/differently than your own?
- What can be said about symbol use
- What can others to do better understand/include this co-culture?
- What tips in the book/ Cultural Atlas seem to work/not work?