
Suggested Learning Outcomes

Course Level and Module Level Outcones

Carrie Lewis Miller

Course Outcomes:

  1. Describe the learner traits and characteristics of those most positively impacted by game-based and adaptive learning
  2. Identify and analyze organizational opportunities for the adoption of game-based or adaptive learning to achieve instructional outcomes
  3. Compare adaptive learning, gamification, games, or simulations as used in learning and apply each to appropriate learning scenarios
  4. Examine technology tools to create adaptive or game-based learning solutions
  5. Design appropriate adaptive learning solution and implementation strategy for a global organization and its learning technology ecosystem
  6. Develop a storyboard, prototype, or detailed design document of an original adaptive or game-based learning solution
  7. Evaluate commercially available adaptive and game-based learning solutions for adaptability into your own organization


Module Level Outcomes:

  1. Define Game-Based Learning
  2. Identify traits common to gamers
  3. Distinguish between Games, Gamification, Simulations, Virtual Worlds, and Adaptive Learning
  4. Categorize elements of games in order to apply those elements to educational gaming
  5. Explain Adaptive Learning
  6. Recommend Adaptive Learning Solutions for your own organizational context
  7. Identify tools for use to create adaptive learning experiences
  8. Create a -Mini Adaptive Learning Experience
  9. Plan multiple methods of creating adaptive learning experiences
  10. Summarize the current availability of serious games and digital games for educational purposes
  11. Select 2-3 digital games for potential use in your own organizational context
  12. Describe the use of non-digital games in educational or training contexts
  13. Create a non-digital game solution to an educational or training problem
  14. Debate the impact of commercial games on education and training
  15. Evaluate commercially available games for use in educational contexts
  16. Distinguish between high-fidelity and digital simulations
  17. Describe opportunities to integrate simulations into educational contexts
  18. Debate the value of gamification strategies in learning
  19. Prepare an outline for a gamification strategy for an instructional module
  20. Summarize the benefits and challenges of implementing a badging system
  21. Identify badging platforms
  22. Create 3-4 badges for a learning experience that the learners are familiar with
  23. Discuss the use of escape rooms as a learning tool
  24. Define the term virtual worlds
  25. Identify examples of virtual world platforms
  26. Assess the digital safety concerns of implementing learning environments in virtual worlds
  27. Define Virtual Reality
  28. Identify options for integrating VR into learning environments
  29. Differentiate between VR and AR
  30. Explore AR apps for use in education


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Game Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies Copyright © 2021 by Carrie Lewis Miller; Odbayar Batsaikhan; Yilin (Leon) Chen; Elizabeth Pluskwik; and Jeffrey R. Pribyl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.