Problem Solving Procedures

Step 1: Direct Resolution: If staff/community members/parents have a question or concern, they are encouraged to go directly to the person(s) involved. If no appropriate resolution is agreed upon by the staff members, you must complete the Problem-Solving form, located in the office to move the issue to an Administrative Resolution (Step 2):  If the issue involves the director, proceed to step 3.

Step 2: Administrative Resolution: The administrative resolution process consists of a meeting between the parties involved with the director in attendance. An attempt at administrative resolution is to be made prior to requesting a formal resolution (Step 3)

Step 3. Formal Resolution: Formal resolution consists of the submission of the problem-solving report to the VES Problem Solving Committee. The Problem Solving Committee is a standing committee consisting of 3 current board members, and is selected annually at the August board meeting. Members of this committee will offer unbiased consideration on the issues brought before them within 10 working days of the administrative resolution meeting or referral to the school board, if the issue involves the Director. The Problem Solving Committee will then take one of the following actions within 10 working days of receiving the report.

  1. Determine that the issue calls for a change in board policy or procedures or that current policy have not been adequately followed. The committee will recommend a plan of corrective action to the director, the complainant, and/or board.
  2. Conclude that the issue is personal opinion by an individual or small group of individuals and that changing policy or taking action based upon this opinion would not be in the best interest of the school community.
  3. Seek further mediation on the issue


Voyageurs Expeditionary Student Handbook Copyright © by Scott Anderson, Director. All Rights Reserved.

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