Grading and Assessment

Staff will communicate regularly with families about student progress. Students not making adequate progress in their academics will have a meeting scheduled to include parents/guardians and Voyageurs Expeditionary School staff.

Grading Policy

Voyageurs Expeditionary School maintains high expectations for our students. We want students to experience success in their academic pursuits and expect all of our students to commit to doing their best in all classes. Students need to complete a minimum of 65% of the assigned course work at an acceptable standard in order to receive a passing grade. The grading scale is as follows:

A = 92-100%

B = 83-91%

C = 82-74%

D = 65-73%

Grade Reports

Voyageurs Expeditionary School will prepare and send report cards at the end of each quarter.


Voyageurs Expeditionary Student Handbook Copyright © by Scott Anderson, Director. All Rights Reserved.

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