
14 Adding the 500 Years After the Flood

The final solution to the Flood problem involves a calendar of 370 days in a year, the same number of days that occurred in the year of the Great Flood period.

600 (359) + 500 (370) = 1100 (364)

So where are the remaining 1375 days needed to make the calendar account for 365.25 days?

If the calendar were 364 days per year with 5 days added during each 4 years cycle the 365.25 days would be achieved.

364 + 364 + 364 + 364 = 1456 days

The last day of the year is 48 hrs, but in the last year the last day is expanded to 72 hrs.  This, in effect, adds 5 days for a total of 1461 days per 4 years.

1100 divided by 4 is 275.  275 x 5 is 1375 days.

Here is a more explicit working out of the numbers:


600 (359) + 500 (370) = 1100 (364) = 400400
400400 / 7 = 57200
215400 = 591 (364) + 276
185000 = 508 (364) +  88
591 + 508 (364) = 1099
276 +  88 = 364 = 1
591 / 4 = 147
147 x 5 = 735
147 x 4 = 588
3 + 276 = 279
508 / 4 = 127
127 x 5 = 635
127 x 4 = 508
1 x 5 = 5
735 + 635 + 5 = 1375
215400 + 735  = 216135  =  591 (365.25) + 272.25
185000 + 635 = 185635 =  508 (365.25) +  88 + 5
              +     5 = 401775  = 1100 (365.25)

And there you have it!

The 220 years immediately following two years after the end of the flood can also be analyzed to see if it fits into the pattern.

35 + 30 + 34 + 30 + 32 + 30 + 29 = 220 yrs

This part of the timeline takes us up to the birth of Terah, the father of Abram.

220 x 364 = 80080

220 / 4 = 55

55 x 5 = 275

80080 + 275 = 80355

80355 / 11 = 7305

1461 x 55 = 80355

The whole, and also the part, reflect a close affinity with the number 11, and checks out when you recognize 1100 years as a measuring stick.  But it does seem problematic to have five days in every four years to account for in order to make the math add up, requiring up to 72 hrs in a single day.   To remedy this situation, change the last year in each of  the seven yrs cycles to 371 days.   This brings the total number of days to 365 per year.

364 364 364 364 364 364 371

364 364 364 364 364 364 371

364 364 364 364 364 364 371

364 364 364 364 364 364 371

I still need to account for the other .25 days of a year. I can do this by simply changing the first year to 371 days because 7 days are one quarter of 28.

371 364 364 364 364 364 371

364 364 364 364 364 364 371

364 364 364 364 364 364 371

364 364 364 364 364 364 371