
11 A New Calendar of 480 Days

At the commencing of my numberology study of Genesis in 2012, I constructed a calendar of 360 days based on 1461 minutes per day in an attempt to determine if the 360 calendar as recorded in Genesis was a real possibility.

By the end of that first year, I already had a repeating 4 yrs calendar set up for 2012 through 2015.  My 360 calendar was never more than 24 hrs difference from the calendar we currently use.  I engineered this by creating a SOL day where the clock stops for 24 hrs, and 6 LUNA days that are equivalent to the 31st days on our present calendar.  On these LUNA days the clock jumps ahead 24 hrs to catch up with the longer day lengths on the 360.  This was an ingenious way to solve the problem of how to interface the new with the old.

The beauty of this new calendar is that each day, each month, and each year is exactly the same.  It also equals the hours in a 365.25 days calendar, which currently does not exist.

1461 (360) = 1440 (365.25) = 525960 mins/yr

At the end of the first 360 days, the clock is at 6 am.  At the end of the second, 12 noon.  At the end of the third, 6 pm.  At the end of the fourth, the clock resets to zero.

At this point I also wondered if there was a shorter cycle than 1440 days before the clock would reset to zero.  I determined this to be 480 days, and then I had to redo my calendar so that there were only 480 days instead of 1440.

1461 mins (480 days) = 1440 mins (487 days) = 701280 mins/yr

In a 480 days calendar, a 12 month division would have 40 days per month.  When the calendar is set up this way, each month starts on an even numbered hour: 12 am, 2 pm, 4 am, 6 pm, 8 am, 10 pm, 12 pm, 2 am, 4 pm, 6 am, 8 pm, and 10 am.  The odd numbered hours appear at the start of the 21st days of the month: 7 am, 9 pm, 11 am, 1 am, 3 pm, 5 am, 7 pm, 9 am, 11 pm, 1 pm, 3 am, and 5 pm.

In this way, I was able to prove that a 360 days calendar is a possibility, and a 480 days calendar is even more aesthetic in appearance.

What is the science behind it?

The first objection that I anticipate is that 1461 minutes per day is 21 minutes more than the 1440 minutes in a 24 hours day.

Is there really such a thing as a 24 hours to a day?

The actual time span from midday of one day to midday of the next is 23 hours and 56 minutes.  4 minutes each day are lost due to the earth not remaining stationary in space while rotating on its axis.  The actual minutes in a day are 1436 minutes.  This shows that the 24 hr concept is an illusion.  The only 24 hour days on our current calendars are on the solstices and equinox dates for a total of 4 days.  The other dates are either longer or shorter than 24 hours.

By changing the minutes to 1461 instead of 1436, the days are made into a whole number without a fraction, the 360 days of Genesis numberology can be facilitated.

The 24 hours day is what keeps the illusion in place that we are keeping an accurate daily count of time.

Losing 4 minutes per day leads to things like Daylight Savings Time, meaning we set our clocks ahead in the spring and turn it back in the fall.

We may have come to a place where changing our time clocks would be beneficial to both business and social concerns within our rapidly changing sphere of activities, but not everyone can be made happy.  The 480 days calendar seems to me to be the perfect solution to having a calendar that is a reliable time-keeper, and is not dependent on bolstering any myths about the conditions of time.

As well as presenting a contemporary application, we can also gain insights into the scales of various systems of time units that have been created throughout history.

The Mesopotamia “sar” equals 3600 years.   Dividing 3600 by 450 rooms the result is 8 years.  If translated into 480 days that would be 6 years per room for a total of 2700 years.

A “zodiacal age” equals 2155 years between different signs in the zodiac.  Dividing by 450 rooms the result is 4.78 years.  Rounding up to 2156 and translating it into 480 days would be 1617 years and 3.593 per room.

Take your favorite time system and place it under the microscope of Genesis numberology!