
12 Code Crackers

If you want to become a code cracker you must learn how to analyze the data and find patterns that can be manipulated for further insights.

So far I have focused on the Noah through the 10 generations of Shem timeline of 1100 years.

The pre-deluvians through Enoch can also be studied for patterns.

Beginning with Adam, the 7 ages of the fathers at the birth of a first son can be totaled together.

130 + 105 + 90 + 70 + 65 + 162 + 65 = 687 years.

Enoch, the last of the seven, was translated 300 years later at 987.

If I assume that the timeline I set up of 300 days per year is correct, then I now have 987 (300).

Now I just have to set up a 3D signpost for the data.

1056 years to Noah.  Therefore, 1056 – 687 = 369.

Now I use the 2 limits or boundaries that I discovered earlier, 708 and 348.

Subtracting, 708 – 687 = 21 and 348 – 369 = -21.

I can now set up my pair of calendars that are going to equal 987 (300).  One calendar will be 10 days less than 300 and the other will be 11 days more.

11x (290) + 10x (311) = 987 (300).

To determine the value of x, divide 987 by 21 = 47.

Now multiply the dividend by 11 and 10.  11 x 47 = 517 and 10 x 47 = 470.

Plug the new numbers into the equation.

517 (290) + 470 (311) = 987 (300) .

The 1100 years from Noah to Lot was made into a 3D equation through the use of the numbers 5 and 6.

This new 3D equation of the 987 years from Adam to the translation of Enoch is based on the use of the numbers 10 and 11.

Adding to it the 10 generations of Shem that equals 600 (360) will give you a total in 300 days per year.

987 (300) + 600 (360) = 987 + 720 (300) = 1707 (300)

Can you find another 3D equation for this combined timeline of 1707 years?

The whole timeline involves 2640 (300).

2640 – 1707 = 933 years.  This is the portion that is being ignored right now!