
5 Math Review #2


Creation to Noah, 1056 (300) = 880 (360).

Noah to the Great Flood (lunar), 600 (354) = 590 (360)

Shem to the Great Flood (lunar), 100 (354).

Shem to the end of the Great Flood (solar), 98 (365).

The Great Flood’s length, 370 days.

The Great Flood to Lot (solar), 370 + 502 (365) = 510 (360).

From Noah to Lot, 590 + 510 (360) = 396000 days.

From Lot to the end of Genesis, 264 (300) = 220 (360).

From Lot to the birth of Joseph, 132 (300) = 110 (360).

From Creation to Noah added to the end times, 1056 + 264 (300) = 1320 (300) = 1100 (360).

Mirror image, 1056 + 264 (300) = 590 + 510 (360).

Start of Great Flood to Haran, 290 (360).

880 + 220 (360) = 590 + 290 + 220 (360).