
3 Math Review #1

Time is linear, a + b = c.

Example, 5 + 6 = 11.

Time is 3-dimensional, a (x) + b (y) = c (z).

Example, 5 (354) + 6 (365) = 11 (360)

The story of the Great Flood in Genesis involves 5 calendars, 354, 365, 360, 300 and 359.

Noah’s age at the birth of Shem, 500 (360).

Shem’s age at the start of the flood, 100 (354).

Shem’s age at the end of the flood, 100 (354) + 370 = 98 (365).

Shem’s age at the end of the flood plus two years (x 365), 100 (365).

Noah’s age to the beginning of the flood, 600 (359).

Noah’s age at the end of the flood plus two years (x 300), 600 (360).

Ten generations of Shem, 100 (365) + 500 (359) = 600 (360).

This proves that time is 3-dimensional, and I rest my case!