Shared Memories

Library Technology Conference Founder

One particular memory of Ron that jumps out in my mind is related to the beginning of the Library Technology Conference. I had arrived at the CLIC office a few minutes early for a meeting. I walked into the meeting room where a few librarians (including Ron) were already gathered and visiting. It turned out they were just wrapping up another meeting. Ron turned to me and asked what I thought about a conference that focused on libraries and technology and that offered attendees opportunities for hands on learning. I told him that I thought it sounded great. I was then pulled into the amazing whirlwind of what became the Library Technology Conference. Ron’s dedication to providing an affordable opportunity for library staff around the region and eventually around the country with a place to share their knowledge and expertise with each other has had a positive impact on countless people. Hundreds of people gather each year to talk about important topics in libraries and to get hands on practical experience with a variety of technologies. I have learned a lot from working with Ron on the conference and continue to be amazed by the energy, time, and care he put into making the conference a success. Everyone involved with the LibTech Conference are already missing Ron’s presence.

Contributed by Katy Gabrio


In Fond Memory: Ron Joslin Copyright © by DeWitt Wallace Library, Macalester College. All Rights Reserved.

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