
Red Herring

Which Path?

Hand-dyed silk crepe de chine, plastic tubes, 22″x30″x2″, 2022.

The tube tunnels on the back of this piece show passages and options life presents (and to which the holes in the front of this artwork correspond). Life doesn’t let us peek, though. Instead we must forge ahead.

Back of Red Herring; Which Path?

Sometimes the journey reaches a dead end, a failed attempt, an unfortunate outcome, and may even lead to misfortune. Accepting these obstacles and opening oneself to the learning that comes along the way of taking a side passage, the situation’s temporariness can soon become apparent. Your choice may have led nowhere, but it also offered opportunities. Turn around and begin again.

You are not alone.

You are loved.


The Elegance of the Universe; A Thing of Beauty Copyright © 2022 by Stephanie Mirocha. All Rights Reserved.

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