Sine Cosine Tangent

Perfectly balanced, this piece rocks gently when touched.
We move through a world of sine, cosine and tangent formulae describing our every motion. Hurtling through space, we live our lives on a tipping point, our coordinates continually changing while connected to every other coordinate in a gloriously alive hive of the Universe.
Depending on our attitude, approach and timing towards events, we create balance, even with outside factors beyond our control. Fill in the equation with an infinite number of possible factors – empty nest, embarking on a new business, a new baby, quitting a job, starting or ending a relationship, applying to college or grad school. At some point we find ourselves at the top of the ski slope requiring a leap of faith in ourselves. The first step is to start down the track — don’t look back — taking the plunge to find out.
To let go and then GO!