
32 Reflect – Informative Speech Self Critique

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Informative Speech Self Critique Assignment

Understand the MN State Communication Pathways Learning Outcomes for this Assignment:

Students should be able to:

1.4 Utilize appropriate research strategies to discover and ethically integrate supporting materials from diverse sources and points of view.

1.5 Demonstrate the ability to listen, analyze, and provide feedback on public discourse.



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Start: After you give your speech, ASAP — watch your video one time without stopping it. Then, watch it a second time and answer these questions, rewinding, stopping and playing, etc. as you go. Answer the questions honestly. Remember to use specific examples to support your responses. Remember to quote your online textbook – OR notes online in the Content Area that are relevant to your response — often folks forget and that is the only reason they get poor scores (really!). You will “cite” the textbook like you would a source in your outline.

Read: look back at the chapters related to this unit.

Practice: review the vide of your speech

Do: Complete this

A nice job here will help bolster your grade…!!!


  1.  How did you practice for this speech (honestly)? How did your preparation differ from the Introduction Speech? What went well in your preparation and what will you do differently for your next speech? How was anxiety similar/different this time?

    Answer fully below (about at least a paragraph – and please use proper grammar/spelling for full credit – i mn not “texting” mezaages k?):


  1. Did you state your sources at least 3 times during your speech? When — be specific – add times from your video if possible. Did you say “who, where and when” — be SPECIFIC).  Add the “times” on the video for full credit.


  1. Watch your speech carefully. Now describe your greatest strength concerning the CONTENT of your speech (content is “what” you said, delivery is “how” you said it careful not to mix these up).

Look to chapters that talk about supporting materials and organization for this question.

Include a specific example from your speech to illustrate your response (yes, quote yourself); explain why this is a strength and include a quote and citation from the free online textbook  (or if you have a hard copy, you can use this too) to support your explanation.


My greatest strength in the content area was my use of transitions. An example of this was when I moved from my first main point to my second main point I said, “Now that I have told you how this book represents my hard exterior, let’s open it up and see how it can also represent the softer side of me.” This was a strength because I was clear and creative in my movement between ideas, as described on page 8-7 in chapter 8 of the online textbook, it says, ” One way to connect points is to include transitional statements. Transitional statements are phrases or sentences that lead from one distinct but connected idea to another. They are used to alert audiences to the fact that you are getting ready to discuss something else.” Thus, these should be smooth and help you move from one point to another” (Barnett, 8-7).


  1. Now watch your speech carefully and describe your greatest strengths concerning the DELIVERY of your speech (delivery is “how” you said it, content is “what” you said).

For this question,  include a specific example from your speech to illustrate your response (yes, quote yourself and describe the delivery of that quote); explain why this is a strength and include a quote and citation from the free online textbook to support your explanation.


My greatest strength in the delivery area was my use of eye contact. For example, in the body of my speech, when I was covering my second point on why this occurs, I said “this could happen to each of us” and began to look directly at the audience members, and looked to each side very slowly (at 1:30 in the video). I think that this is a strength because if you can look someone in the eye, you generally appear sincere. In the text, on page 12-10, it states, “The eyes are called the windows to the soul, and the importance of eye contact in communication cannot be overemphasized. Ideally, a speaker should include 80% to 90% of the delivery time with eye contact” (Capecce, 12-10). Thus, the online stresses you should not read your speech, with my eye contact I was able to avoid that!


  1. What will you want to improve upon concerning your delivery? List three areas you will focus upon for the next speech. For each area to improve, give a specific example from your speech to illustrate your response. Then describe how you will work to improve in this area.


I used too many hand gestures. For example, when I was describing the first reason the ball represents me, I looked like I was flying. I raised my hands 10 times in just 43 seconds! I plan to watch myself in a mirror and actually practice my gestures next time. I will write out on my note cards when I should use the gestures….  (then add 2 more areas to improve and your plans for improvement as above).



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