
29 Read: Informative Speech Case Study 3 – Shara Informs about “Food Deserts”

Sample Informative Speech

Food Desert Sample Speech, https://mediaspace.minnstate.edu/media/Shara+-+Food+Deserts/0_fq56upyv

Sample Informative Speech Outline


March 14, 2018

Informative Speech Outline: “Food Deserts”

Shared with signed permission,  Spring 2018

Video: https://mediaspace.minnstate.edu/media/Shara+-+Food+Deserts/0_fq56upyv 

Topic: Food Deserts in the Twin Cities

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about food deserts in the Twin Cities


Audience Analysis Report:

  1. Have you heard of the term “food desert” Yes or No?

Yes: 0   No: 3


  1. On a scale from 1-5. When you go grocery-shopping do you tend to purchase more fresh produce or purchase food that is considered junk food? 1 being, most of your grocery items are fresh produce. 5 being, you have more junk food items.
  2. (1 person). 2. (1 person). 3 (1 person). 4(N/A) 5. (N/A)

Based on my survey question it appears that most individuals are moderately healthy shoppers no one appeared to purchase an excessive amount of junk food.


  1. What are your thoughts on food deserts?

According to the information I received from my question, all of the respondents did not have much knowledge of food deserts. I think this will be a great topic to help inform classmates about food desserts and how they impact many communities around Minnesota and other states.



Add Self Analysis Pre-Speech Goals:

  1. What is one practice tip you will use from the online readings or videos?


In page 15-6 on the online textbook, gives a clear definition as to what explanatory speech does. These kinds of speeches need to inform the audience by giving relevant information such as the “how” and “why” of a particular topic. I want to present credible information this means finding reliable sources play a huge role when presenting a topic on food deserts.


  1. What emotional, physical, and or mental response did you experience when presenting last speech? How did you feel after? What would you like to change about how you feel when you give a speech., if you could for this speech?


During the last speech I signed for the last slot. Not the best ideas because watching everyone else speak made me feel a bit insecure about what I was going to say. I felt good after because I finished the speech. When I present this next speech I want to feel confident in the words I use when I explain more about this topic.


  1. What are 3 goals you have for your speech 2 content (Content=what you say)


  1. In terms of what I say, I want to sound as if I am a professional in the study of food deserts. This is a huge topic with many polices that are involved with how it impacts communities. I do not want to sound as if I did not do my research on this topic. I want to be prepared and confident.


  1. My second goal in terms of content is to use accurate and relevant information that can inform the class about food desserts and how this topic impacts everyone. Therefore, it is critical on my part to use ground breaking research that will not only inform my classmates that are unaware of this topic, but also strike an emotional chord for them to make changes in their lives.


  1. My third goal to enhance my content, is to use a visual aid to help add more depth to my speech. I lacked not having a proper visual aid during my graduation speech. I think if I were to add some effective charts or graphs this will allow my audience to know how prevalent food desserts truly are.


  1. What are 3 goals you have for your speech 2 delivery (Delivery= How you say it).


  1. In terms of delivery I want to improve on saying my speech in a fluid manner. I think it is important to keep the information I am presenting in a cohesive manner rather than going “off script.” For the informative speech I want to rely less on note cards because they impact how the speech is said because too much time is wasted on looking at what should be said next.


  1. Using less Ums or uhs during the speech. I noticed myself breaking during the speech because I was forgetting about the next piece of information I think this gives the audience the impression that I did not practice enough. In terms of a informative speech I want the audience to know that I have practiced the speech and I have studied up about this topic.


  1. Finally, I want my tone of my voice to be strong. I am presenting information about a serious topic, therefore having a strong projection of my voice would help my audience realize where I am coming from.



Informative Speech Outline


Attention Material (try a simple story, refer to the occasion, refer to recent or historical events, refer to previous speeches, refer to personal interest, use a clever quote, use a startling statistic,  use an analogy, cite a definition, use a music/video clip, use of suspense, ask a question, etc.):

According the to The Southern Poverty Law Center, “Of all U.S. households, 2.3 million (2.2 percent) live more than a mile from a supermarket and do not have access to a vehicle. An additional 3.2 percent live between a half-mile to a mile from a supermarket with no vehicle access ” (  ).

Gain Goodwill of the Audience (tell us how this relates to us, for this type of speech it is helpful to share who we can use this information in our daily lives, professional lives, etc. Tive the audience a reason for listening.).

I am sure many of us have dealt with our fair share of car issues that have impacted how we transported ourselves to our daily errands. Imagine how life would feel like if we did not have our cars in our lives. Would you still continue to grocery shop like how you normally do?

Credibility Material (Generally, in this area, you’ll establish external credibility by stating why you care, why you can be trusted, or how you know your materials, etc. For this type of speech, show us you are sincere, tell us why you chose the topic, how you know this, any training you’ve had, etc. External sources are especially important to establish your external credibility.): As someone interested in food policy I found it fascinating to research how food deserts are prevalent in the Twin Cities. Some are lurking around our neighborhood.

Thesis and Preview: Defining what a food desert is and some of the major contributions that leads to food deserts in America are: lack of reliable transportation, income, and strategically located fast food/convenience stores.


Transition: From the survey responses it appeared that many individuals in the class were not aware of the meaning of food desserts or had never heard of it.


  1. Main Point #1: What is the definition of a food desert?

  2. Sub-point #1: Definition of food desert: “Food deserts are areas that lack access to affordable fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk, and other foods that make up a full and healthy diet.” (Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, 2018).


  1. Sub-point #2: Now that the definition of food desert has been defined it is important to understand how they impact millions of people. There are numerous factors that add to the creation of food deserts.


Summary: Food deserts are now defined.

Preview: You might now ask, how can food deserts impact the lives of so many people?


  1. Main point #2: Lack of reliable transportation is one related factor in creating food desserts.


  1. Sub-point #1. According to the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council ( ) , summarizes the correlation between low-income individuals not having a reliable form of transportations.
  2. Sub-point #2. The individuals that do not own cars have a difficulty finding the opportunity to grocery shop since the grocery stores that offer healthy options are not accessible.
  3. Sub-point #3. A story helps to better explain.


Summary: Lack of reliable transportation exasperates the situation of food desserts.

Preview: A final factor we can consider, today, is the pricing of products in food desserts.


  • Main point #3: Overpriced products in “food dessert” areas can be common.

  1. Sub-point #1. Healthy food tends to cost more in comparison to other grocery items. According to, foodispower.org “while the overall price of fruits and vegetables in the US increased by nearly 75 percent between 1989 and 2005” (2018 ).
  2. Sub-point #2. Since the cost of food is increasing it is difficult for individuals to pay for it. Most food deserts are primarily located in predominately lower income locations.
  3. Sub-point #3. According to, racialjusticeproject.com mentions the following “23.5 million people in the U.S. live in low-income neighborhoods located more than 1 mile from a supermarket” ( ).


Transition: Now that we have covered how income plays a role into food deserts. Lets review how food deserts have impacted our current system.



III. Conclusion

  1. Signal an End (signals the end such as, “To sum things up…” or something more creative.):

Learning about food deserts was not that difficult?

  1. Summary (reviews the main points of the speech in the order covered):

Many people in food desert area locations have dealt with food disparities. There are many ways in which people have felt the challenges of living far grocery stores. The topic of food deserts might be something unfamiliar to many of us in the class, by going over it can help shed some light on the issue by defining the meaning of it. The major contributing factors such as: income and lack of transportation.

  1. Goodwill Audience Tie (tells us again how we benefit from knowing this, show the connection between you and the audience):

Some of us might not have been aware of how prevalent food deserts are. It is important to understand how food deserts can impact our friends, neighbors, and others in the community.

Concluding Clincher (gives you a way to end; never, ever end on “that’s it” — plan out the end, better yet, tie back to the introduction attention device): 

Food is a vital aspect of culture and well-being, no one in our community should have to suffer and not have access to healthy food due to systematic policies set in place.



                                             Work Cited

Lee, SE. McFadden, E. (2016). Rethinking food deserts and people with disabilities. Retrieved: https://addpc.az.gov/sites/default/files/media/Nutrition%20Brief_final.pdf

How structural racism contributes to the creation and persistence of food deserts. (2012).

Retrieved: http://www.racialjusticeproject.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2012/06/NYLS-Food-Deserts-Report.pdf

Food Desserts. (n.d). Retrieved from: http://www.foodispower.org/food-deserts/










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