
Do what is right, not what you should.



What is right
is forged eternally
in rumbling volcanos
thrusting up molten spurts
of red liquid lava heart
teacher within.

Listen deep.


Ultimately what is right
is the rock we should lean on.
So many “shoulds”!
Which should should it be?
Red shift out of the only light spectrum
visible to the human eye
into upper case
outside realms
of what we can see.

Dig deep.


Norms learned over a lifetime
of high teas
imposed on screen porches
enclosing us in wicker chairs
overlooking the river
from higher authorities
only cloth napkins used here.

Look deep.


the thought
clip out the shining habit
the compulsion to follow random breeze.
Thoughts wind chime
jingling distractions
through palm fronds
growing leafy fingers
spreading, hanging
only to dry and fall.

Cut deep.

Brush them away.
Let them lie on the road
or let them go.

Rock, Paper Scissors
your way
to look beneath your thoughts
until your fingers come up
burn tipped
caught red handed
in the magma
washing up to flush the face
in shame filled blush
at what you were hiding
from yourself
all along.

You will know.

What is right
is forged eternally
in rumbling volcanos
thrusting up molten spurts
of red liquid lava heart
teacher within.



Fortune Cookie Poems Copyright © 2022 by Stephanie Mirocha. All Rights Reserved.

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