3 Reporting Progress, Homework, Testing
Reporting Student Progress
The schools report student progress to parents in three ways; report cards, Skyward System, and parent-teacher conferences. Parents are encouraged to consult school personnel regarding their child’s progress at any time. *Email is a simple, quick and convenient tool of communication. Check the District website for addresses.
Parents are encouraged to help students make up work missed during an absence from school. Students frequently become discouraged or frustrated when falling behind their classmates on daily assignments. * Individual classroom teachers will assign age-appropriate homework.
Testing Programs
Students are tested to gather information concerning their ability and achievement. This information is maintained in each student’s cumulative folder. If the student moves to a different school, the records are forwarded to the new school.
MAP Testing (measures of academic progress) & MCA Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments
These tests measure a child’s academic growth from year to year in the areas of Mathematics and Reading/Language use. These tests are taken on the computer and each testing area takes about one hour to administer. Students will take these tests in the fall, winter and spring. Following each testing period, you will receive a report of your child’s academic progress during the school year.
All students in grade three must take the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment in the areas of reading and math. (Please refer to the Parent/Guardian Guide to Statewide Testing at the back of the handbook.)