17 Health Services

Health Services

District #31 Health Services provide a variety of functions to promote health and well being for each student.  A qualified health paraprofessional is in each school providing health services and the district nurse oversees all health services being performed in all Bemidji District schools.  Students requiring care for general injuries should report to the health office where their condition will be assessed and cared for accordingly.

Health Services should be informed if your child has special health needs.  It is helpful to know what medical treatment has taken place and what adjustments must be made in the child’s program to meet his/her special needs.  The District School Nurse is available to assist and give counsel to parents and teachers in regard to a pupil’s health concern. The Health Staff will write a Health Plan for your child if your child has a medical condition that warrants daily or emergent care.

Immunization Policy

Minnesota law requires all students enrolled in Minnesota schools to have up-to-date immunization records.  Immunization policy requires that parents present an up-to-date immunization record at the time of registration.  Registration will not be done without this information.

Minimum requirements  from MDH include:

Birth- Age 4/Preschool                Kindergarten- Age 6               1st grade/Age 7 – 6th grade

4 DTaP/DT                                      5 DTaP                                      3 DTap

3 Polio                                              4 Polio                                       3 Polio

1 MMR                                              2 MMR                                       2-MMR

1 Hib                                                    _                                                 _

2 Hep A                                               _                                                 _

3 Hep B                                            3 Hep B                                     3 Hep B

1 Varicella*                                     2 Varicella*                                2 Varicella*

4 Pneumococcal*

*Varicella (or doctor documentation of having Chicken Pox)

* Not required after 24 months

* Fifth shot of DTaP not needed if the 4th was after age 4.  Final dose on/after age 4.

* Fourth shot of polio not needed is 3rd was after age 4.  Final dose on/after age 4.

* Proof of at least three doses of diphtheria/tetanus vaccine needed.

Special Exemptions:  Your child must have immunizations up to date or an Exemptions for Conscientious or Medical Reason form signed and notarized or your child may be excluded from attending school.  The district office has immunization forms available.

If a student has had a vaccine at a local health care agency or clinic, parents can request a copy of that vaccine record to bring to the school with the month, date, and year given.  Parents can also request that the clinic fax the immunization record to their child’s school.

Illness or Injury at Home

Parents should notify the health paraprofessional at school when a child is absent due to illness or injury.  Also, contagious conditions such as strep throat, chicken pox, scabies, head lice, pink eye, impetigo, etc. should be reported.  Children should not be sent to school if they have shown signs of illness, such as vomiting, fever, diarrhea, nausea, etc. the previous day/night.  Children should be free of fever or symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school.  A note must be sent with your child if you feel that he/she should not participate in certain activities (ie. phy ed class, recess) because of an existing condition.  If your child is unable to participate in an activity for more than two days, a doctor’s note is required.


Health screenings including vision, hearing will be done annually according to the State Department of Health guidelines in K, 1st grade, 3rd grade, and 5th grade and for other grades as needed and requested.  Height and weight checks as well as scoliosis screenings will be done as needed or requested.  Head lice checks will be done on students as needed.  Only two days are excused for treatment of head lice.

Medication Policy

If your child needs to take medication during school hours, the school district requires the following:

All medication must be brought in to the health office by the parent.

Exception:  1.) Students needing Epi-pens for the treatment of allergic reactions will be allowed to carry the Epi-pens in their backpacks.   2.) Students with asthma are allowed to carry their inhalers.

  1. A written order from your doctor which includes the following:
    • student’s name
    • name of medication, dosage, route to be given
    • time to be given
    • diagnosis (optional)
    • possible side effects (optional)
    • how long medication needs to be given
  2. A signed Authorization for administration of medication form from the parent/guardian requesting school personnel to give the medication.
  3. All medication must be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled container.  School personnel may refuse to give medication sent to school in odd bottles, plastic bags, foil, envelopes, etc., or if it is unidentified.
  4. Over-the-counter (non-prescription) medications may only be given with a signed Authorization for Administration of Medication form.  These include Tylenol, Benadryl, antacids, eye drops, cough syrup, etc.  Parents are required to bring any over the counter medications for their children to the health office and sign permission for it to be given.  All medication must be in a properly labeled container.
  5. Epi-pens:  Individual plans will be developed for each student requiring the need for Epi-pen administration for bee stings or other allergies.

A. In School:

  1.       Parents will provide the school with doctor’s orders, a signed Emergency Response plan that will be developed by the LSN and parent, and the Epi-pen.

B. Bus:

  1. Transportation will be notified when a student needs to have an Emergency Response Plan for an allergy.
  2. Bus drivers will not be responsible for carrying or storing of Epi-pens on the bus or for administration for the Epi-pen.



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