4 Classroom Policies
Pledge of Allegiance
In accordance with state law, students will be asked to recite the pledge of allegiance weekly. If a student objects to reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, they need to indicate their opposition to their teacher in a timely fashion and special arrangements will be made. Also, proper etiquette, display and respect for the flag of the United States of America will be included in the instructional goals. (School Board Policy 400-90-7).
Positive Behavior Support System/Responsive Classroom/Peacemakers Program
Effective behavior management begins with procedures and routines designed to teach and promote positive expectations, inhibit or discourage rule violating behavior and create a culture of competence in which communication and procedures are effective and efficient. A well-designed behavior management plan focuses on preventing rather than responding to problem behavior. All elementary schools will focus on the three basic expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Safety. We will be teaching and reinforcing these expectations by establishing clear rules and routines, using pre-corrects and reinforcement procedures.
Photo Use Policy
If a parent/guardian does NOT want their child’s photo taken for publication on the websites, local newspaper or local television broadcast they should fill out the photo use policy form and remit it to the school.
Classroom Placement
A great deal of thought goes into placing children in classes each year. The process is also time consuming, as teachers focus on each child’s needs. Every effort is made to place each child in a learning environment where they will be the most successful. This learning environment incorporates several factors:
- A balance of boys and girls
- A balance of academic ability
- A balance of ethnic diversity to promote multicultural understanding
- Socially balanced groups to reduce peer conflicts
- A balance of different learning styles
Teachers/administration know their colleagues well and make sound professional judgments about trying to match teaching and learning styles between teachers and
Classroom Parties and Treats
Individual classroom teachers will determine classroom parties. According to State Law, treats must be store bought. Please consider smaller, healthy alternatives for celebrations.
Field Trips
Parents will receive a permission form to be signed for all field trips. If a permission slip is not returned, a student will not be permitted to go on the field trip, as we need official permission in writing on file.
Clothing Items/Lost and Found
Please label all items of clothing with your child’s name. Items not claimed will be donated to charity at the end of each quarter.
School Lockers
School lockers are the property of the school district. At no time does the school district relinquish the exclusive control of school lockers provided by the district. Inspection of the school lockers may be conducted by school authorities at any time, without student consent and without notice.
Parents should call with messages by 2:00 pm. Messages for students called in at the very end of the day are difficult to get to the students. If you need to contact your child’s teacher, the best time is before 7:55 a.m. or after 2:45 p.m.