I Hope You Can Imagine
By Freya Peterson
“I love art and I hope everyone can draw, and draw from their heart.”
What you might see is a pencil or paper
But art is a thing not out of the blue
It is something not even a maker could choose
It’s a sky
An ocean
Or even a shoe
It is a beautiful mirror looking at you
Whatever you do
Try to make anew
Art is a gift or a talent
Just get out your pallet
And draw
Not a scribble or anything boring
Do some exploring and find what’s adoring
And draw
But don’t just draw a tree
Draw a bee by the tree
Don’t just draw a log
Draw a frog on the log
Imagine what you can do with your hands
Or whatever you need
Drawing is a good deed
No matter how good you are
Just be a star
And draw
Draw the earth
Draw a house
I don’t even care if you draw your pet mouse
Use what you’ve got
And show them on the spot
That you have an aptitude
And draw
Draw something unexplainable
Something unpredictable
Something out of the imaginary
Maybe a fairy
Or something hairy
Draw what’s uncommon
Maybe some Ramen
Let the people be surprised
And always be advised
Make your drawing special
Make it original
And draw
Not gnaw