
Hope is Why

By Jaxson Kolstad

How’s the weather? it must be nice, if I could feel it. The bunches of clouds making characters we haven’t even heard of. The nice green grass on our feet as we run along the lines of the old willow tree. It has always been there for us, whenever we fought you could find the other at the tree, swinging in the tire swing that’s now barely hanging on. The hammock that fits two but now is an old rag swinging in the wind. The tree has been there for years waiting for a speck of hope to last longer for you. 

The misty color in your eyes is shaped like the clouds above. Why? Why must you leave? It’s been so lonely without you. I miss the days that we ran in the forest above. Sat by the lake, playing in the sand and waiting for tiny little fish to come and bite our toes. We would always walk down the creak of the lake in our jean shorts, holding them extra high so they didn’t get wet the deeper we went.

I wish on the stars for you to be back, each and every shooting star has been wished on countless times. Hoping and waiting for the day you come back. I hate this feeling now; you always made all my pain go away. I can’t stand you being gone. I want my old self back.


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