
Cursed by Thin Air

By Stella Elaine Bublitz

It’s been years now, hiding from thin air 

Yet despite the masks we wear, it’s still there 

Despite the deaths, and waves of tears 

The vaccines, the precautions, it’s been years 

I yearn for the day we can walk without fear 

Of this curse in thin air 

Though the hospitals may overflow 

And the death toll may grow and grow 

My younger sister, I do declare 

Has never had a school year without the curse of air 

“Next year,” they say 

But sadly, it won’t go away 

“Be careful,” they say. “You could catch it.” 

But how do you catch thin air? 

And now I hope, we’re almost done 

And it will leave as it has come 

And then we can have the freedom we’ve been denied 

This curse upon humankind 

This COVID-19 that’s been so trying 

Goodbye to the curse of thin air.


SCSC Writing Contest Anthology 2021–22 Copyright © by Original Authors. All Rights Reserved.