Red Boy
By Thomas Biederman
Hello, my name is Joey and do I have a story for you. Since I was young, I have loved science and superheroes. In my parent’s mansion, I have a secret lab where I have been working on my own superhero suit. My Red Panda inspired suit is made of metal and gives me the ability to fly, have super strength, and see long distances.
One night as I was working in my lab, a story came on the news, “Runaway train driven by a mysterious figure heading for Meland!” This was my opportunity to make my debut. So, I got my armor and hummed my theme song:
Do dun dun
Red Boy flies faster than a train
He’s stronger than an ox
Whenever you’re in trouble
Just say his name and he will be there in a double.
As I reached the scene, I flew over the rear train car and suddenly my rocket pack was hit by two fireworks. I started to nosedive towards the passenger cars. I took off my rocket pack and used it to break through a window as I fell from the sky. I backflipped over my jet pack and landed on a seat. As the other passengers all stared at me, I told them not to touch my rocket pack and started running towards the train engines.
As I climbed up onto the roof of the tender, a firework hit right in front of my feet and a fire started in the exhaust vent. I knew things were about to get even harrier, so I decoupled the passenger cars. As I turned around I saw another firework coming towards me, I caught a glimpse of the villain and my database told me he was Snow Leopardo. As the firework was a foot away, I grabbed it and turned it back toward the engine. The firework hit the cab door breaking the lock.
I ran to the engine, jumped in, and began to battle Snow Leopardo. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I saw an emergency drive-wheel lock. It was my only hope to stop the train. I threw my bamboo boomerang striking the button, locking the wheels, knocking Snow Leopardo to the floor. As I caught the boomerang, I turned and pulled out my bamboo bark rope and tied up Snow Leopardo leaving him to be found by the police.
To escape being seen, I ran from the train but I guess the news cameras on the scene saw me. They made a light that they now use to call me and gave me the name Red Panda Boy or Red Boy for short. Now I bring hope to the community and look forward to the many adventures to come.