Let’s Hope We Can End Racism One Day
By Amna Syeda
I hope racism can end because I think people should be free and have equal rights. I also hope racism can end so everyone is treated fairly, and people will treat people of color the same way as white people.
The history is full of stories of racism and discrimination faced by people of color. The Tuskegee Study is one big example. Also, Martin Luther King, Jr. experienced a segregated world and stood up for the rights of people of color. He went to jail for speaking the truth and standing up for equality.
People of color are treated unfairly. They are unable to access standard healthcare, education and safe living. Racism has negative effects on a person’s mental and physical health. Those who experience racism are under constant stress and cannot function properly. Due to this reason, they cannot contribute to the society. So, it is important to end racism so people can grow and help society. There is hope that racism will end if everybody can work to end racism.
Let’s hope for racism to end one day so everyone can just be free and fulfill their dreams. Let’s hope for standard healthcare for everyone. Let’s hope for good education for everyone. Let’s hope for safe living for everyone. Let’s hope for a world free from hate, anger and discrimination. Let’s hope for happiness, peace and prosperity.