
6-8th Grade

Grand Prize Winner
Home, Home, Home Sweet Home
Abby Pfeifer, 7th Grade

I’m at home all alone
Parents at work and I am home,
I’m doing school while my friends are not
Then I go outside and go for a trot,

I’m sitting at home reading my books
While my friends are giving me weird looks,
I’m eating chips and dip all-day
While my friends go out and play,

I look at my phone after it vibrates
Then I look at the chips and look at the carbohydrates,
Then I look at my Chromebook to just check
Then someone asks me for help and I have to reply 1 sec,

I know people think staying at home is boring
But I’m not sitting around snoring,
So in reality it is chaotic
And sort of robotic

I’m stuck inside all-day
While my lucky friends get to go and play.
I’m stuck alone every day
Until this, all goes away

The Good and the Bad
Kyle Lorentz, 6th Grade

Being stuck at home was good at last.
But at first we were worried about how long it might last.
Good times with our families are memories to be saved.
But when we were stuck at home we all felt caved.
Watching wheel of fortune to face timing my cousin,
doing online classes and lots of studyin’.
Were are glad it’s over now and we can get back to our sorta normal lives.
But we can still take a step back and look at those good times.

These Days at Home
Kaeden Lawrence, 7th Grade

A cold wind blows along the gutters
You can hear the rain from within your walls
You might even shudder
Or ignore it all

A year passes by
In a blink of your eye

Covered in your blankets in the warmth of your house
You don’t notice the surroundings changing about

Nothing to do
You fall into a deep sleep
These days at home
Spent all alone

When the Birds Fly
Brianna Bjerketvedt, 6th Grade

When the birds fly
how I wish it was me
when I’m stuck inside
not happy or free.

I sit in the window
and I can see
another day
for you and me.

For when the birds fly
my sorrows do too
I hope for a day
when I can see you.

Same Everything
Evan Powell, 7th Grade

I’m tired of being stuck at home I’m tired of looking at the same room, tired of looking at the same living room, I’m tired of looking at the same kitchen, I’m tired of looking at the same basement, I’m tired of look out the same window, I’m tired of looking at the same blankets the same clothes the same phone. the same door. the same tv the same game. the same food I’m tired of looking at the same everything.

Shadowy Night
Natalie Scheibe, 8th Grade

While at home all alone there’s shadows that dance
I enjoy watching them run and prance
As I look within their faces to see their eyes
And realize the shadows are my greatest allies
While I sit in complete darkness I feel at Home
Everytime I’m left home alone
The shadows and I dance so I am never alone

SO Bored!!
Natalie Doonan, 6th Grade

Bored with nothing to do
How I wish I could see you
The days creep by
It makes me want to cry
I only wish covid was the flu
Our hope in 2021
Is that this will all be done
Bored with nothing to do.

Ella Barten, 8th Grade

Inside these stolid walls,
Held by invisible boundaries,
The whole world seems so small,
Faces I once knew, merely memories.

But in these confines,
I have come to realize many things
That fill my mind
’til it with new wonder rings.

Noticing for the first time,
The grasses and the earth,
Flitting clouds, wind in the chimes,
Recognizing simple pleasures for their worth.

Hold on to these moments like a treasure,
Both the bad and the good, and when,
These days seem too hard, remember,
Only you can decide what to make of them.

Stay at Home
Lilliana Hanes, 6th Grade

As I sit in the dining room and watch the rain pour down. It seeps through the windows and drips into a cherry red mug. Crisp apple pie in the oven. I can’t go anywhere there’s nothing to be done. So I sit in my chair and wonder when life will all be normal. I watch as the plump raindrops hit the velvety flower petals out my window. There’s nothing left in stores. Toilet paper has become dust on shelves and all can foods are wiped out like they never existed. The whole world is in a global lockdown. Days and days go by, we slowly all lose ourselves. The virus gets worse and worse yet we all make ourselves believe it’s getting better.

At Home
Madison Orf, 7th Grade

At home, I sit alone
When we will leave is unknown
The time here is long but the days seem short
We all hope this will come to an end

Quarantine hasn’t been easy
I didn’t think I’d miss waiting at a light
Or for a burst of color
The sound of rain or playing with my friend

The moon and the stars have probably
Been wondering why all the people have gone
Alone into hiding
Or why nobody goes out to school no more

Don’t we all feel at this point in time
That quarantine should come to an end
We all know that this has been on too long
That this terrible time should end.

We’re Tired of Staying at Home!
Nora Long, 7th Grade

At home, at home, at home, at home.
We’re tired of staying at home!

My mom, my dad, my dog, and me. My whole
Entire family! We’re tired of staying at home!

We’re bored, we’re bored, of watching T.V.,
till our legs and feet get all tingly.
We’re tired of staying at home!

We read, we read, we read some more,
but reading can get to be a bore.
We’re tired of staying at home!

We’re sitting, we’re sitting, wondering what
to do. My brothers are restless, my sisters
Are too. We’re tired of staying at home!

At home, at home, at home, at home!
We’re tired of staying at home!

Lindsi Lorinser, 8th Grade

I used to be a track star,

Then Corona came around and really lowered the bar.

I had running down pat,

But I’ve gotten kinda fat.

My team used to call me speedy,

But now they just call me meaty.

What I’ve learned in quarantine,

Is that exercise should be in my daily routine.

My only friend now is my pet cat,

All because I’ve gotten quite fat.

Trapped at Home
Josh Reibel, 6th Grade

Stuck trapped limits curiously
Open minded outside the box
Stuck at home nothing to do
Have to think be curious wondering
open minded stuck at home

What does it mean stuck at home
Opportunities to do things
Being able to do something
Never ending

Or trying something new
Or to do nothing
absolutely nothing
But there is not one true meaning
Of stuck at home

Just Another Day
Archer Dewey, 7th Grade

You wake up in your bed tired, today is another day, you look outside yep nothing new, today is another day.

You go down stairs to make something to eat, you go into the fridge and pull out eggs, today is another day.

You go to your room to work on school, the walls are dull never changing, you used to love coming in here with your friends but they never come around , today is another day.

You go down stairs to have dinner, Grilled cheese same as every day your numb to the taste, today is another Day.

You crawl into bed, “today was just another” you say to wall “nothing special, nothing new tomorrow is another day”.

You wake up in your bed tired, today is another Day, you look out side and… you see leaves starting to grow on the trees, huh.

You go down stairs to make something to eat,you go into the fridge and…yogurt and berry’s?

You go to your room to work on school but theirs no school today, your mom yells out “your friends are coming over tonight”, that’s weird.

You hang out with your friends in you room and eat pizza, you go to bed that night and tell you wall “today was not like any other day, no, today was a new day”.

At the End of the Tunnel
Averee O’Leary, 6th Grade

The sky is dreary and low,
Everything seems too slow.
It reflects the world’s mood,
With all of the anger and feuds,
When sadness overlaps the world like rain,
When the world is full of anger and pain,
I can find happiness almost every day.
Like in the little flowers of May,
That the rain brings,
Like the bird that sings,
In the Morning after night
And the snow, so beautiful and white,
After the storm that once raged in the night.
While sadness washed over the land like a tsunami wave,
Sometimes you have to be brave
To look past the darkness and beyond
Into the light,
And taking in the sight,
That things aren’t as bad as they once were,
All tears seem to disappear,
At the sight of the light at the end of the tunnel,
No pain is subtle,
But there is always peace at the end of the storm,
And a new light is borne,
And the old is made new,
And that is a gift to you,
Next time you think the darkness is never ending.

These Years
Jude, 7th Grade

Oh my, oh my these years have been–
We started off with a new pathogen,
Wildfires again,
BLM again,
And a basketball legend dead

The new year is just as bad
With capital riots and
Mass shootings
As I sit on the couch
And watch these events unfold
I ask myself–
Why is the world so bitterly cold

These years have already been–
Damaging on me
With E-learning,
New schooling,
As well as my mom’s essential working

I hope this ends, ends soon;
I can’t keep watching–
This monsoon–
Of human devastation

Stuck at Home
Paul Zaytsev, 7th Grade

One, day I when to cool school, it was boring and I wished I could do school at home but they sad no.
but then someone in school got corona virus.
They closed cool school down I was sad but mad.
So I ended up doing online school. It was rely different from real school.
But then I got used to cool school online.
It was to cool to go to school so I got to stay at online school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Emilia Olson, 6th Grade

Being stuck at home has been quite an opportunity
To some people it might have been pretty gloomy
But to me I think I became pretty musically
You could master that recipe
Fix your security
Even make DIY jewelry
Maybe you couldn’t get together with your community
But least you got to spend some time with your family
You could facetime your friends
Re-do you room
Watch some TV
View the flowers bloom
If your stuck at home
remember this poem
keep yourself busy
As busy as a bee

Stuck at Home All Day Long
Annabella Freudenberg, 6th Grade

Stuck at home
is not so bad
But sometimes
it gets a little sad

Its a little boring
here at home
So then I started
talking to a gnome

I don’t get to
see my friends
But at least I get
to hang out with my hens.

We have to wear face coverings
all the time
So my face doesn’t
get much sunshine

When your stuck at home
trying to stay healthy
At least you can still
take a lot of selfies

Lonely Echoes
Jack Evangelist, 8th Grade

Separation from our friends and foe have brought great sorrow to my soul
For my foe I even wish to see
My demons fight my angels
With deceit and lies the demons bring defeat
My room echoes of lonely tones
It bounces back and forth with no disruption it stays the same
My thought process going beyond the sea
I wish people would just look beyond their needs and see what’s right beneath their feet

Stuck at Home
Andrew Wilson, 6th Grade

I’m stuck at home,

With my dog and his bone.

We are in front of a screen most of the time,

But sometimes forget how to rhyme.

I miss going to school,

I miss my teachers,

I miss going to high school football games while

Sitting in the bleachers.

We don’t see friends often,

But when we can we keep caution.

I’m stuck at home,

With my dog and his bone.

When will I get out of my home?

So Many Things I Could Do
Aubrey Wilson, 7th Grade

Stuck at home
Not sure what to do,
Maybe I could ride a bike
Or go on a hike.
I could even play with my dog,
Maybe even write my own blog.
All of these activities are calling out my name,
If I don’t do all of them it would be a shame.
Lots of things to do,
But still not sure what to do.

Stuck at Home
Elleigha Carda, 8th Grade

Sitting alone in my room.
Trying to find hope, but lost in the gloom.
I’ve cried tears no one sees.
I pretend to be fine.
But on the inside, I bleed.
I cry alone.
I feel cold.
Wearing a mask is getting old.
I wish I could feel how I used to.
Before I was stuck in this prison.
A prison where I sit and watch television.
I can’t keep track of the days anymore.
So I lay on the floor.
Awaiting the day I can be free from this cage I have to call home.
It’s a never-ending line that I have to wait in.
At least that’s what I’m pretending.
So one day when I reach the front of it I’ll finally be free.
Free of these shackles that weigh me down greatly.
Free and full of glee.

Gabriella Ruddy, 7th Grade

As the clock ticks
I stare into the abyss.
Wondering what to do
But it’s as quiet as crickets,
Then suddenly-
I get the motivation to just go do it.
So I get up at the speed of lightning
Just like I am about to go fighting,
wondering what to do.

Stuck at Home
Jocelyn Lopez, 7th Grade

Stuck, stuck, stuck at home,
on a roller coaster,
up and down I go,
many things flying past,
while I’m going back,
back, back, back to the past,
why am I going back?
Family and friends flying away,
as I go through my dark, dark days,
“but why am I going back” I say,
a voice from my past says “I don’t know”,
“you don’t know?”
“yes I don’t know”,
“sorry I cannot help” says the voice,
“good luck though”
“what do you mean”,
then the coaster starts up again,
“whoa” I say as I fall back, the coaster starts to spin,
spin, spin, and spin till it stops, I’m stuck,
stuck, not at home but in the dark,
while I’m in the dark my creation goes away,
I am wanting for all those loving days,
I want music in my veins, books in my brains,
and anime in my life, finally I wake up,
in my room, stuck at home, oh when will I be let go.

Daily Routine
Brenden A. Lindberg, 8th Grade

I wake up.
I go on Disney Plus.
Then get some water in a cup.
After that I play some Among Us.

Then it’s time for school.
I put on a shirt over my pajamas,
I think the shirt is pretty cool.
I go on my computer with my background being llamas.

I have my first Zoom meet.
After that I have a test,
But I don’t cheat,
Because I think I’m one of the best.

Once school is done.
Then that’s when I have fun.
After a long, hard day of school.
It’s like the video game console was calling my name,
As I’m playing the game I wonder “what if I had fame”?

I play with friends,
I talk to them and bond.
We camouflage in a pond.
Then we lost.

We start a new game .
We go and have a good chance of winning .
There are only a few people left,
But then we are sent to the beginning.

I stop playing for the day.
I check the the news to see if the world is okay.
With all that has happened it can’t get worse of course,
And I get some remorse.

Finally I get in my pajamas,
Brush my teeth,
I look underneath my bed.
And rest my head,
And go to sleep.
Thinking about life before,

Counting Sheep.

Stuck and Bored
Tucker Pearson, 6th Grade

Stuck at home like a bird in a cage,
if I wrote down my feelings it would be more then a page,
its times like these I’m glad to have pets
I miss my friends,
but they help me forget

Stuck in My House
Eliana Smit, 6th Grade

I’m eating ice-cream, skittles, donuts and pie,
and I have no idea why.
I realized that choice was not the best,
when I looked down and saw my growing chest.

I decided right then that I should walk my dog,
but first I’d grab his collar.
I took one look at the door and asked myself
“How had that door gotten smaller?”

I tried and tried to get out the door
until I couldn’t try anymore.
I kicked, screamed, and let out a yelp,
but that didn’t really help.

I finally stopped trying and decided,
that I couldn’t get outside.
I’d never be able to leave my home.
I was much too wide.

Stuck At Home
Drake Goebel, 7th Grade

I’m alone in the house
My alarm screams for me to wake
I stumble to the Kitchen
For my Eggo Waffles to bake.

I click on my computer for zoom
What will I learn today
I do my classes on my own time
This is the distance learning way.

I jot down some notes
And prepare for my next test
I must study very hard
In order to do my very best.

My Crazy Pandemic Life
Daryl Kram, 7th Grade

Staying at home is the craziest thing that’s ever happened to me.
The weather one day was as cold as a freezer,
The next day it was as hot as an oven.
I started to play new video games,
like Fortnite and Rocket Leauge
I had to get braces for my teeth,
they hurt like 100 bee stings.
I had a lot of sleep overs.
I’m not able to go to school and interact with other people.
I can’t wait to go back to normal.

Stuck at Home
Holly Nordlum, 7th Grade

Stuck at home
To the walls that hear my cry’s
Under all this pressure
Keep my hopes up
All these demons
That keep haunting me
Help me erase this pain
Only social can help
Maybe there’s a chance I can make it out alive
Everyone have faith this will be over soon

Stuck at Home
Gage DeBlieck, 6th Grade

Being stuck at home,
isn’t the best thing–

Looking at the same walls,
most of these days–

If we were to go somewhere in town,
we had to put on a bumpy mask–

But once we got out of the store,
we got to take them off–

When I get back home,
I have a lot of time–

So I use it to go see people outside,
on my new gray bike–

If there isn’t anyone outside,
I will play with my dog–

She always wants to play!

Diamond Song
Isabella Erickson, 6th Grade

Among the field of wishes
Among the sea of hopes
Is exactly what we see
And exactly what we don’t
The forests were of silver
The animals of gold
The bluebird sang a diamond song
To all who hoped to hope
We crossed the field of wishes
We swam the sea of hopes
We climbed the tallest mountain
They fell to the deepest valley of smoke
The everlasting smoke will rise
To the tallest mountain guise
The bluebird sang a diamond song
To all who lost their lives

Stuck at Home
Jayden Fiandaca, 7th Grade

The world has lost it’s sight
but then we bite back
then it larks by our side

It takes somebody down
makes everybody frown
its like your heart is

coming out of your chest
when its here it knows
you can hear it coming into your home

your freaking out
your screaming its coming
you have to run for your life

2020-21 Daily Schedule
Brendan Lindberg, 7th Grade

I wake up.
I go on Disney Plus.
Then get some water in a cup.
After that I play some Among Us.

Then it’s time for school.
I put on a shirt over my pajamas,
I think the shirt is pretty cool.
I go on my computer with my background being llamas.

I have my first Zoom meet.
After that I have a test,
But I don’t cheat,
Because I think I’m one of the best,
and I just can’t be beat.

Once school is done.
Then that’s when I have fun.
After a long, hard day of school.
It’s like the video game console was calling my name,
As I’m playing the game I wonder “what if I had fame”?

I play with friends,
I talk to them and bond.
We camouflage in a pond.
Then we lose.

We start a new game .
We go and have a good chance of winning .
There are only a few people left,
But then we are sent to the beginning.

I stop playing for the day.
I check the news to see if the world is okay.
With all that has happened it can’t get worse of course,
And I get some remorse.

Finally I get in my pajamas,
Brush my teeth,
I look underneath my bed.
And rest my head,
And go to sleep.

out/in, in/out
Anne Tse, 8th Grade

all alone
boredom consuming
here we stay
from outside
through windows viewing
our former lives
reality disheartens
but future calls

we may be in,
but we will be out
with all our friends
though now without
this time will die,
our sentence end
and have a newborn life begin
prison walls come crashing down
no more boredom, no more frowns
sadness leaves
all believes
nevermore will we hide; alone, aggrieved

house no longer our prison
home once more our haven
that which we left
through windows see
and with grateful hearts
give thanks to Thee

Stuck’s at Home
Laura Rose Kunz, 6th Grade

Stuck is not a bad dog
He’s just misunderstood
Because even when he’s bad
He’s really being good.

While out fishing on the lake
Stuck just wanted to help
But got tangled in the fishing line
And let out a very loud yelp.

Our hike was going very well
‘Til Stuck stepped on a hive
We all got stung something fierce
But are happy to be alive

When setting up the campfire
He tried to gather sticks
But pulled out all the tent stakes
Which took us hours to fix

And, so this doesn’t happen again
Although he likes to roam
Dad said we can’t take him this time
We have to leave Stuck at home.


Stuck at Home Copyright © by Amelia Birkholz. All Rights Reserved.