
About the Authors

Johnna Horton led the publishing of annual library reports in all three of her previous positions. Since 2017, she has put more emphasis on data visualization and storytelling techniques to provide accountability for PALS services to the Consortium of MnPALS Libraries, as well as Minnesota State leadership. As the PALS Executive Director, Johnna’s work with librarians and system office personnel has helped her better understand how to address the communication gaps between library personnel and non-library administrators.

Jill Holman has been doing data projects for decades, starting with a statistical programming internship at the American Medical Association during college. Later, she studied research methods and statistics as part of her MLS program at the University of Michigan. She also enjoys teaching and has taught a couple credit-bearing courses and many workshops on various topics. Jill started with PALS in 2019 as the Systems Support and Training Librarian.