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1 I’ve tried to minimize the use of academic-style referencing in the chapter text. An annotated bibliography of important sources can be found at the end of the book. If you’re interested in learning more about the material covered in this chapter, some sources of particular interest include: (Plato, Cooper, and Hutchinson 1997; Brown 2011; Goldstein 2014; Dimmock and Fisher 2017; Sayre-McCord 2014; Fiester 2019; 2019; Rachels and Rachels 2014; Peter Singer 2023; Anthology 2023b; 2022b)
2 Good readings on utilitarianism for beginners include: (Driver 2014; John Stuart Mill 1879; Greene 2013; Smart and Williams 1973; Williams 1973; Kuhse and Singer 1988; Singer 2011; Epicurus and Robert Hicks n.d.; Stephen Nathanson 2019; Singer 2009; Waal 2015; Sebo 2020; Singer 1972)
3 Recommended readings include (Schwitzgebel 2019; Kant 2004; Korsgaard 1986; O’Neill and White 1986; Madigan 1998; Alexander and Moore 2016; Ross 2002; Skelton 2022; Bill Puka 2023; Cahn and Krista Thomason 2020)
4 Recommended readings include: (Athanassoulis 2019; Hursthouse 2013; 1991; Crisp 1992; Solomon 2003; Aristotle 1999; Riegel 2013; Siderits 2015; Anthology 2022a; 2019; Fainos Mangena n.d.; Shea 2016b)
5 Recommended readings include: (Finnis 2021; Jenkins 2014; Brugger 2021; Anthology 2023a; McIntyre 2019; Foot 1967; Kockler 2007; Thomson 1985; Moseley 2022; Walzer 2006; Anscombe 1958; Wiland and Driver 2022; Walzer 1977)
6 Recommended readings include: (Celeste Friend 2023; D’Agostino, Gaus, and Thrasher 2021; Hobbes and Tuck 1996; Apperley 1999; Homan 2019; Locke 1764; Tuckness 2018; Shea 2016a; 2021; Edmonds and Eidinow 2011; Rawls 2009; 2005; Wenar 2017; Lamont and Favor 2017; Nozick 1974; Mack 2018)
7 For further reading: (Marx and Engels 1978; Dan Lowe 2015; Taylor 2022; Archive n.d.; Matt Qvortrup 2019; Wolff and Leopold 2021; Qvortrup 2023; Hayek 1942; Schmidtz and Boettke 2021)
8 For further reading: (Nietzsche 1977; Anderson 2022; Eva Cybulska 2011; Harper 2016; Helen Small 2019; Justin Remhof 2018; Leiter 2021; Swenson 2021)
9 For further reading: (Mikkola 2019; Anja Steinbauer 2015; Beauvoir 1989; Bergoffen and Burke 2023; Cleary 2019; Sartre 2005; Annaleigh Curtis 2014; Curtis 2014; McAfee 2018; Burns 2019)
10 For further reading: (A. Appiah 1985; Donald J. Morse 2023; Gooding-Williams 2020; Bois 2013; King Jr 1992; K. A. Appiah 2020; Andreasen 2005; Haslanger 2000; Andreasen 2000)
11 For further reading: (Kingsolver 2020; Næss 2016; Attfield 2019; Cochrane 2023; Caney 2021; Various 2015)
12 For further reading: (Arras 2016; Beauchamp TL 2004; Beauchamp and Childress 2012; Shea 2015; Gert, Culver, and Clouser 2006; R. Gillon 1994; Raanan Gillon 2015; Savulescu 2001; Harris 2011)