Book Title: Runtime

Book Description: On the run from sinister forces, a woman stumbles into a new role, taking on the identity of a desperately broke English PhD who had just landed a job at a small college in rural Minnesota. When her students unearth material in the archives that throws the college into a culture war, it leaves her exposed and vulnerable. Should she run again, or tell her story and fight?
Inspired by the Cambridge Analytica scandal, this book is also available (for free) in PDF, EPUB, and Mobi formats. (Mobi is useful for older Kindles, while newer Kindle readers prefer EPUB.) A print copy can be ordered from Lulu (at cost, probably around $15.00 for printing and shipping).
Book Information
Book Description
On the run from sinister forces, a woman stumbles into a job, taking on the identity of a desperately broke English PhD who had just landed a teaching position at a small college in rural Minnesota. When her students unearth material in the archives that throws the college into a culture war, it leaves her exposed and vulnerable. Should she run again, or tell her story and fight?
This book is available under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license. Thanks to the Minnesota Library Publishing Project for making Pressbooks available.
Cover photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin.
Runtime Copyright © by Barbara Fister is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
The Arts