
Acknowledgements (1978)

Many individuals have assisted me in bringing this work to completion. I wish to thank them for their encouragement, expertise, and patience.

Thank you to Dr. Charles Leonhard for his encouragement in this area of study and for his perception of a student’s needs and goals. Thank you to Dr. Richard Colwell for his attention to detail and encouragement along the way.

This study would not have been possible without the willing participation of those who described the culture, accompanied and translated for the investigator, analyzed the material, or performed by singing, playing or dancing. Special thanks must go to Paul Nyinyoni Ojulo who accompanied me on all of my recording sessions, smoothing the way, preparing the singers, and sharing insights to the culture. Thank you to Agwa Alemo who spent many hours, week after week in analyzing song content. Thank you to Paul Abulla who also assisted in song content analysis. Thank you to all the other informants who described their music or performance practices. Thank you to the villagers along the Baro River who performed with such zeal and skill.

I express my gratitude to the Presbyterian Mission at Pokwo for providing facilities and numerous acts of kindness so that my family and I could spend uninterrupted time in the area. Thank you to those of the mission: Marie Lustad, Niles Reimer, Carol Templin, Joan Yilek and others who provided insight into the culture of the Anuak and who made our stay so pleasant. Thank you to Mark Reimer who was helpful in piloting the boat and assisting in photography.

I appreciate the melodic analysis assistance that was provided by Joseph Waters and Ruth Stuck, and the assistance in instrument grouping and logistics that was provided by Gene Gjerdingen. Carol Frickenberg assisted in organizing the basic material. Sally Yoder typed the final copy. Northwestern College and several individuals provided financial assistance when it was most needed. Thank you to each one.

In particular, thank you to my children and especially my wife for putting up with a long time of travel, study, and writing. Their patience through this experience went beyond that of the writer.


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The Anuak Legacy Copyright © 2021 by David C. Osterlund is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.