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Akway, Henry. Interview by the author, Pokwo, Ethiopia, September 30, 1972.

Alemo, Agwa. Interview by the author, Pokwo, Ethiopia, June, 1972.

_____. Interview by the author, Pokwo, Ethiopia, December 27, 1972.

_____ and Paul Abulla. Interviews by the author, Pokwo, Ethiopia, July, 1972.

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Templin, Carl. Interview by the author, Pokwo, Ethiopia, July 6, 1972.

Yilek, Joan. Interview by the author, Pokwo, Ethiopia, July 26, 1972.






All sound recordings described in this study, as well as images of instruments and people, along with field notes and other materials are available at https://www.anuaklegacy.com.


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The Anuak Legacy Copyright © 2021 by David C. Osterlund is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.