4 Interlibrary Loan



Total interlibrary loans and documents provided to other libraries – Report the number of filled requests for material provided to other libraries. Include all returnable and non-returnable interlibrary loans and documents. Include direct borrowing between consortium members. Do not include transactions between the main or central library and branches, or transactions between branches.

Total interlibrary loans and documents received – Report the number of filled requests for material received from other libraries. Include all returnable and non-returnable interlibrary loans and documents received from commercial services. Documents delivered from commercial services are all transactions for which the library pays even if library staff is not involved in the transaction. This includes documents received by regular or express mail, by fax, or in electronic form. Include direct borrowing between consortium members. Exclude transactions between the main or central library and branches and transactions between branches.


This is the part of the IPEDS form for Interlibrary Loan.


ILL Provided (Lending)

  • Open the ILL Provided (Lending) Report in Alma Analytics.
  • Change the date prompt if needed.
  • Look it over (you may need to add or subtract things depending on your unique situation).
  • If you need to edit the report, be sure to save it in your institutional folder.


Example Results for the ILL Provided (Lending) Report


ILL Received (Borrowing)

  • Open the ILL Received (Borrowing) Report in Alma Analytics.
  • Change the date prompt if needed.
  • Look it over (you may need to add or subtract things depending on your unique situation).
  • If you need to edit the report, be sure to save it in your institutional folder.
  • If you use WorldShare, be sure that you are not double counting borrowing requests. Learn more about your OCLC Usage Statistics here: https://help.oclc.org/Resource_Sharing/WorldShare_Interlibrary_Loan/Reports/OCLC_Usage_Statistics


Example Results for the ILL Received (Borrowing) Report



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