7 Pitch

Pitch is how high or low a note sounds. Being able to match pitch, or sing the same note that one hears, is essential to good singing. Practicing matching an instrument or singer’s pitch by humming or singing a vowel sound is an excellent place to start. A singer should “hear” a pitch in their mind before they sing it – this will help develop good pitch. This “hearing” in the mind is called audiation. Depending on a singer’s vocal range (how high or low their voice can go), sometimes a singer must match a pitch at a different octave. For example, if the piano is playing the pitch C4, a singer might not be able to match that specific C, so the singer would sing either a higher C5 or lower C3. Many of the exercises below use solfege, a system of syllables used to help singers match pitch.

26. do re do


27. do re mi


28. do mi do


29. do soh do


30. do re mi fa soh


31. do ti do


32. Major scale with vowels


33. Major scale with solfege


34. Arpeggio with vowels


35. Major Arpeggio with vowels


36. Major Arpeggio with solfege



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Voice Training for New and Experienced Singers Copyright © 2023 by Preston Weber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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