

Barbara Fister

Every year, faculty at Gustavus Adolphus College go before their colleagues to be considered for tenure and promotion. As part of that process, candidates write a statement about how their work fulfills the expectations of the Gustavus community in terms of their teaching, scholarship, and service to the college. When I served on the committee that recommends faculty for tenure or promotion, I was struck by how eloquently my colleagues described their work. It seemed a shame that so few people ever read these statements. In 2012, I was inspired to collect statements and compile them in an anthology. Seven years later, it seemed a good time to publish a second volume.

Thanks to the faculty who contributed to this volume and to Minitex for providing support for library-based publishing through the Minnesota Library Publishing Project.


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Introduction Copyright © 2019 by Barbara Fister is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.