
18 Many Kinds of Service

Michele Koomen

I believe I have a well-established record of leadership in the governance of the college.  I will begin with my work in faculty governance.

Faculty and Shared Governance

I was elected in 2012 to the Faculty Senate as the divisional representative from education.  I was vice chair of the Senate, 2014-2015, where some of my main duties included faculty committee elections, reviewing applications for Honorary degrees, and developing a working group on faculty governance with an eye to efficiency and function. In 2015, I was elected as Senate chair, a position I hold currently for a second year. In addition to conducting Senate meetings, I formed many working groups of the Senate including current groups on program change and faculty committee restructuring. I co-chair the curriculum logistics working group with Tom LoFaro, am the Senate representative to the College Accreditation Committee, represent the Senate on the Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee and convene the Academic Affairs Coordinating Council (AACC). As the Senate chair I am also a liaison between faculty and administration which means a great deal of communication between faculty, faculty committee chairs, the Provost office and President Bergman.

As a member of the College Accreditation Committee, I was tasked over the summer of 2016 to write the arguments for Criterion 3.A (Criterion 3. Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support) for the HLC Report. In addition, JoNess Van Hecke and I were charged to review, edit and provide feedback to Criterion 1 (Mission).

I was the Senate member for the search committee for Academic Support Center Director that led to the successful hire of Margo Druschel (2013).

I was a faculty delegate to Vocation of a Lutheran College Conference for Gustavus Adolphus College for 2015 and 2016 at the invitation of Grady St. Dennis.

Service to the Department of Education

I was part of Departmental review for tenure track Department Faculty including, Lisa Dembouski (1st and 2nd year) and Amy Vizenor (1st and 4th year).

NCATE and BOT Accreditation: I worked, along with many members of our department, on the NCATE report and documentation and completed several reports (PEPER) for teachers of elementary education and the elementary with 5-8 math and science middle school specialty.

With funds from the Lind Family Endowed Education Professor I led a Department reading of two recent books: Unequal Childhoods by Annette Lareau and Teaching with Conscience in an Imperfect Worldby William Ayers.

I served as the department representative for our selective admissions many times.

Every year since 2001, I have advised between 25 and 30 students.

Department representative for the academic year 2011-2013 to TEAC at the request of Dr. Debra Pitton.

Over the years I have served on many search committees, including Valerie Walker (2009).

I supervised students in Barrow, Alaska three times (2010, 2012, and 2014), Sotogrande, Spain (2010 and 2014) and Nicollet (2013) as an extension of my load without remuneration.

Co-Chair, Education Department (2009-2010).

Additional Service at Gustavus

I wrote solicited letters for promotion to tenure for the following faculty colleagues:

  • Bonnie Riemann (2015)
  • Laura Triplett (2015)
  • Joshua Brown (2016)
  • Karrin Meffert-Nelson (2016)

Nobel 2010 Nobel Committee: I was a host to Marion Nestle for the 2010 Making Food Good Conference with three student hosts.

Faculty-Staff Campaign Co-Chair with Steve Kjellgren for 2015 and 2016.

Gustavus Be U Coach (2014 & 2015). Completed training. Conducted small group employee “Be Well” coaching.

Kendall Center SWAG Convener (2014 & 2015). Coordinated meetings for two years for two different SWAG groups to support faculty scholarship.

Shop Talk (December 4, 2015), I presented my paper: Disciplinary Literacy in the Science Classroom:  Using Adaptive Primary Literature

 Chapel talks in April 2016 and September 2016 at the invitation of Chaplain Brian Konkol on the topic of dignity.

Leadership in My Profession

Minnesota Science Teacher Association.

Elected to MnSTA Board (2010 – 2014: Higher Education Representative). Elected President of MnSTA (2016-2018).

Referred Journals

Sought out as a reviewer for top journals in my field:

  • Science Education: SciEd-00356-2014.
  • Journal of Teacher Education: JTE-14-10-0113.
  • The Teacher Educator: UTTE-2015-0073.


Chair of the Inclusive Science Forum since 2007. In 2012, I Co-Chaired the Equity and Diversity Thread for the 2013 International Conference.

Minnesota Department of Education

In July 2012, I was invited to participate in the stakeholder panel that set the standards for the 2013 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) in Science.

Grants and Contracts

As noted earlier I am a Co-PI with Karen Oberhauser, Rob Blair and Gillian Roehrig from the University of Minnesota on an NSF DR a K 12 grant called:  Driven to Discover. $2,356, 316.

I have also been awarded funds from Minnesota Office of Higher Education, Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ), related to professional development with teachers in citizen science (2013-2014. Fund: $120,312 each year; 2012: $120,312.00).


Teaching, Scholarship, and Service: A Faculty Anthology Copyright © 2019 by The Authors. All Rights Reserved.