
What is FaceTime?

By Jorden Rasche

    FaceTime is a way you can see people on a phone call. FaceTime is a software application that people will use to communicate on their phone and computer. In FaceTime you can see their face. If you turn the device camera around you can see their room or their classroom or their house. A friend or a family member can see their face while they talk on the phone. A caller gets to see their friends and family. You can call and see their face, their clothes, and their smile. This helps everyone to communicate.

FaceTime works on a lot of different devices. This includes cell phones, iPads and computers. The videophone2500 was one the first devices that could make video calls. While FaceTime video has been around since 2010, it wasn’t until 2013 with iOS 7 that Apple released FaceTime audio. FaceTime was developed by the Apple company. Then Android and Windows companies created their own version on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Unfortunately, all these different versions do not cross over so callers who want to communicate have to use the same versions in order to see and talk to each other.

When a person wants to FaceTime with my mom for example, the first thing they need to do is open an app on their device using the internet. Next, they need to type my mom’s name and her picture will come up. After that, click on her picture. Finally, her phone will ring. When she answers they can communicate!        


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