
The One That Got Away…

By Isabella Jyrkas

As I walked down the hallway towards my science class, my heart was pounding with a flurry of emotions. It felt like a wild roller coaster ride, with my feelings constantly shifting between nervousness, excitement, and a tinge of sadness. On one hand, I was nervous because I had been harboring feelings for Kallen for weeks, unsure of how to express them. But on the other hand, I was excited about the day’s science lesson, one of my favorite subjects.

Despite these conflicting emotions, there was also a twinge of sadness in my heart. Kallen had always been a little bit immature, but that was part of what made him so endearing to me. However, it also made it challenging for me to tell him how I felt. As I walked through the hallway, I noticed my mom’s shirt with a quote that read, “I’ll get over it, I just need to be dramatic about it.” It made me smile, and for a moment, I felt a little better. But my nerves were still getting the best of me.

Once I finally arrived in class, we began working on our Properties of Matter packet for science. Kallen and Owen were sitting next to me, and they were being their usual goofy selves, always able to make me laugh. But I couldn’t help but feel slightly distracted by Kallen’s presence. I wanted to tell him how I felt, but I didn’t know how to do it without making things awkward between us.

Suddenly, my heart sank as I saw Kallen hanging out with Eill, who he claimed was his girlfriend. It felt like my entire world had shattered in that moment. I had been holding onto false hope, and it was devastating to see Kallen with someone else. The pain was too much to bear, and I struggled to keep my emotions in check.

As I sat in my science class, my mind was consumed by a deep sense of sadness. I tried to keep my face emotionless, but the sight in front of me was too much to bear. It made me realize that love, true love, wasn’t meant for me in high school, and that thought alone made me even more despondent.

I recalled how I had asked for permission to use the bathroom. As I walked towards the restroom, an intense urge to cry out loud overwhelmed me. However, I held back my tears and kept my emotions to myself. I couldn’t let anyone else know about my feelings for Kallen.

Whenever someone rejects me, I put on a brave face and try to keep my emotions in check. It’s a hard thing to do, but it’s the only way I know how to deal with it. I keep reminding myself that life goes on, and I need to move forward, but it’s easier said than done.

As I made my way towards my social class, a wave of apprehension washed over me, filling my stomach with a sinking feeling. I let out a long, drawn-out sigh and lifted my arms, clasping my hands behind my neck to relieve the tension that had settled in my shoulders. My mind was plagued with the knowledge that Kallen didn’t reciprocate my feelings, and the thought weighed heavily on my heart like a leaden weight.

Later, I walked down the lunchroom to grab some food, with my hood up, and listened to the song, “This Side of Paradise” by Coyote Theory on my AirPods. Suddenly, I collided with someone who had the same skin tone as me – a tall man, Jett Rohl, who was my friend Kaydence’s ex-boyfriend. Jett was always kind to me; seeing him now was a small comfort.

I looked up at him, and we made eye contact. His warm brown eyes were full of concern as he asked me if I was okay. I shook my head, no, and he could see the heartbreak in my eyes. I had just been rejected by Kallen, the guy I had been crushing on for the past three weeks. Jett could tell that I was hurting, and he offered me a comforting presence in that moment of vulnerability.

I found myself seeking solace in Jett’s comforting embrace. As I clutched onto his hoodie, tears streaming down my face, Jett wrapped his arms around me and held me close. In a soothing voice, he whispered words of comfort and reassurance, reminding me that everything would be alright. As he held my hand, he gently wiped away my tears and looked into my eyes with a tender gaze. “He wasn’t the one for you, Bella,” he murmured, his voice laced with empathy. “I can treat you better than he ever could.” With each word, Jett’s embrace grew stronger and more protective, creating a sense of safety and security that I had never felt before.

As Cash walked towards Jett, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. I could tell he wanted to say something to Jett, but as soon as he saw my face, he stopped. Concern was etched onto his features, and he spoke softly to me. “Who did this to you?” he asked, his voice gentle. My eyes were red and puffy from crying, and I couldn’t find the strength to speak.

“Kallen rejected me,” I finally managed to whisper. Cash’s expression turned from concern to anger in an instant.

“He broke your heart,” he spat, his voice laced with venom. But then, he chuckled darkly and turned to me, a warm smile spreading across his face. “He doesn’t realize that he missed out on the best sweet girl in the world,” he said, his words soothing and comforting.

As I walked down the school hallway, listening to music, Kallen appeared out of nowhere and smiled at me. He seemed perfectly oblivious to the pain he had caused me just a few weeks ago. “Hey, Bella,” he said softly. “I was wondering if you wanted to go to homecoming with me?” I was taken aback by his sudden invitation and didn’t know how to respond.

Suddenly, I felt Jett’s arm around my waist. He had come up from behind me and was looking at me and Kallen. “Hey babe, who’s this?” he asked, his voice low and protective.

I remained quiet, unsure what to say, and Jett could see the hurt in my eyes. He knew instantly that Kallen was the boy who had broken my heart and he was there to offer me the support and love that I needed.

Jett would sigh and look at Kallen. “I’m sorry but, she isn’t interested.”

As Kallen stood there, he felt a deep sense of devastation washing over him. He had finally come to terms with the fact that he had lost the girl who had given him signs of her love, but to whom he had not reciprocated the same feelings. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he had let the one that got away slip through his fingers. Despite his heartache, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would have been like to have me as his girlfriend in a different life, as he knew that it was a possibility that would never come to fruition.

This tale serves as a gentle reminder that patience is sometimes the key to finding the ones we hold dear. While the account is indeed rooted in truth, it’s important to note that I’m not presently involved with anyone called Jett. The fundamental takeaway is that impulsive decisions regarding matters of the heart should be avoided. Instead, we must believe that the perfect match will materialize when the timing is ideal.

It’s important to always remain true to yourself, even in the face of difficult situations like losing friendships or romantic relationships. Don’t allow these setbacks to bring you down or make you feel you need to change who you are. Embrace your individuality and remember that your unique qualities are what make you special. Stay strong and don’t let others’ opinions or actions sway you from being the authentic and wonderful person that you are.


SCSC Writing Contest Anthology 2023-24 Copyright © 2024 by South Central Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.