
Space Control

By Ryker Bayerkohler

Sunday, afternoon, March 22, 2024


“Are you ready to blast off?” Control asked.

“Yes, initiate the launch sequence please,” Sarah responded.

“Ok, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Blast off!” Control counted down.

The ship blasted into the air cutting through the wind. News people everywhere on the ground recorded the launch of one of the first people to possibly land on Mars. The ship was going so fast it was already out of sight.

“Sarah, can you hear me?” asked walkie-talkie Control.

“Yes, I can hear you loud and clear,” Sarah responded. “I can see space…i-i-its…beautiful,” She continued. “Sorry, I know that comment was unnecessary.”

“It’s fine,” Control said.

Soon Mars was in sight. But then Sarah noticed that the spaceship was coming in way too fast.

“Um, Control we have a pro-.”

BOOM! The ship crashed into Mars. Sarah was stunted and took a second to catch her breath. She saw that the walkie-talkie was still working.

“Sarah, Sarah, are you ok?” Control repeated.

“Yes, I’m ok. It seems that I have crashed into Mars. The ship is brutally damaged,” Sarah reported.

“Ok, that’s bad but honestly, it’s not that bad. Our Mars Rovers have already found all the things you need to repair the ship. But the materials are all scattered around Mars.” Control advised. “Also now that you’re in this situation communication will be your biggest asset,” Control advised (again). “Your first part is the metal to make the foundation. Or as they say in Marshasian #*($U()$&()#&()$. You can find the metal just…. One sec gotta look where. Oh, It’s actually only a few steps ahead of you. We are sending a platinum pickaxe to you right now,” Control advised (Ok, what the heck. Can you say anything else? The person who is typing this is so uncreative).

Then a flying futuristic box flew in. Sarah opened it and added a pickaxe to her invent-(DON’T EVEN BRING MINECRAFT INTO THIS).

She walked over and then she saw the metal. She grabbed her pickaxe and went mining.

“Ok, Control I got enough, how am I going to get it, like on?” Sarah asked Control. “Wait, I think I have enough nails to do it. Oh, and I NEVER forget my… BACKUP HAMMER!” Sarah continued excited.

“ what just happened, that was cringe,” Control giggled.

Sarah built and built. Then she finished with the metal.

“You finished metal, now you need fuel and windows. You should get windows next they are… ACROSS THE PLANET! Wha-. We need to bring in the Mars Rover Rover,” Control said with a sound that sounded like a button.

Then VVVRRRMMM VRRMM VRMMM VRMM VRVVRMM VRMMRVV RMM. A Mars Rover Rover came in. It looked like a Lamborghini with flames. Sarah hopped in and went Super Sonic Speed and before she knew it, she was already across the planet. Then she saw a… machine? She walked in and the machine automatically started to produce glass. She took a bunch shoved it in the Lambo- I mean Mars Rover Rover and went back to the ship.

“Um, Control I need glue. Please,” Sarah asked.

“Sure, now sending the Super Glue,” Control granted.

Then Super Glue flew in and landed conveniently in Sarah’s hand. She used it and got all the windows in. Now all she needs is the fuel. But then she remembered that cars use fuel and she has a “car.” She looked into the tank and noticed that she had just enough fuel to get her home. So, she transferred all the fuel from the car to the ship. She hopped in and had Control count her down again.

“Ok, here we go. Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Blast Off,” Control counted down.

The ship went flying and Sarah could feel so much relief and excitement. She had really missed her family. She could see Earth and then she landed. She got out of the ship and she missed Earth so much she started to kiss the ground. Everyone was cheering for her because she was the first person to go to Mars. Her family ran over and gave her a big hug.

Then Sarah went to Control. “Thank you so much. I would not have made it back without you,” Sarah thanked Control.

“No problem. All great achievements in this world have been achieved with three things. Hard work, teamwork, and communication,” Control said humbly.


SCSC Writing Contest Anthology 2023-24 Copyright © 2024 by South Central Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.