
School Problems

By Rhema Steele

    Hi! I am Rhema Steele. These days, there are tons of school problems that students face every day. For example, people that ride the bus have to get up really early! There are bullies, switching classrooms all day long, you can’t forget stuff or you get in trouble! You can’t leave homework assignments at home or you get in trouble! You can’t leave your iPad or your folder at home or you get in trouble! You have to get your homework done, or you get in trouble… I could go on and on and on! What are some ways we can fix these problems? Well, I’m going to go straight into these problems.

Well for instance, when you switch classrooms to go to another room, I often forget my stuff. So, an idea for the future could be a gadget that checks if you have everything. It would be even more awesome if you could put your stuff in it, don’t you think?

At our school, Caledonia Area Elementary School, we have to get up pretty early for the bus. My friends that ride the bus, (basically all of them do) have to get up around 6 a.m. The bus gets to their house around 7:00 a.m., and school starts at 8:00 a.m.

Then when they come to school, they have to wait until 7:30 to eat school breakfast. They have until about 7:55 to eat, then go straight to their classroom. That doesn’t sound very pleasant. I know I am very tired by the end of the day. One solution could be having buses come at 7:30 and then that would leave more time for bussers to get up, get ready and eat. Then the students would not so tired at the end of each day. I think that would be great, don’t you?

Bullies are a common issue at schools. I have been bullied. Like most schools, Caledonia Area Elementary has bullies. I hope all schools are working on having less bullies. The only way to improve something is to work hard at it. You need to have grit and keep going.

But back to bullying… I’ve noticed most bullies are the kids that act perfect in front of the teacher. When they are out of the teacher’s sight, that’s when it gets interesting. That’s when the bullying starts.

One way to keep bullying from happening is to watch the kids that you know are possibly bullying other kids. Watch the other kid that’s getting bullied. Watch if they talk to each other. Watch for signs that they don’t like each other. If one kid really is bullying another, then that child should be kept in from recess. They should have to have a meeting with the school and their parents. Maybe something is going on at their home.

Well, I have already been thinking about this problem for a while, so I already have a solution. My solution to this is having more work time in school. At my school we have about 30 minutes to get work done, and I don’t really get very much done, so I could use extra time. I think some other kids would like extra time, too. That’s what my solution would be.

So, as I read my essay up to this point, it’s probably important for me to realize that the world isn’t going to cater to my problems. That’s not how life is. As far as the “gadget” that helps me remember things, well that “gadget” just might have to be my brain that I train to remember things! As far as getting up early for the bus, not everyone gets to live walking distance from the school. I just might have to discipline myself to get up, get ready and get organized. As far as the bullies in school, I better communicate when that is happening. Bullying won’t stop until it is stopped! As far as not getting my homework done, we all get the same 24 hours in a day. We just need to use them wisely.

Everyone has problems! It’s how we DEAL with those problems that counts!


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