
No, It’s a Dog!

By Kinnley Frank

    There was a girl named Journey Miners who moved to Arizona from Florida six months ago. She was ten years old and loved arts and crafts. One day, she learned through their town’s social media that there was an arts and crafts show just ten miles away…and it’s in five days already! She couldn’t wait! Her mom said she would take her to the show. It was her first show she has been to.

Journey didn’t know what to make so she asked her friend, Elle, “Hey, what should I make?’

“You should make something out of some recycled garbage. That’s resourceful!”

That was it! She was going to make a masterpiece out of recycled garbage. She went to work. She went to their local dump to find some garbage. Journey found on old tennis racket, some cardboard and some cans. At home she found paper, pieces of fabric and stuffing.

Then she made a dog! The head was the tennis rocket. The body was made of cans. The ears and tail were mode of cardboard. Journey painted the dog brown, black and white. She was so excited for the craft show!

On the day of the show, she presented her dog. Nobody knew what it was! Even the judge seemed confused. Journey was so embarrassed and disappointed. But she had to make the judge understand.

She stated, “Don’t you see? The head is the tennis racket. The ears and tail are made out of cardboard and the body is cans!” Once she said that, everyone understood that it was a dog.

“Oh, now I see,” announced one of the judges. “I am so glad you explained that to me,” declared the judge. “Your ability to clearly communicate is a great skill to have!”

“I worked really hard on it. I couldn’t let you misunderstand!” replied Journey.

“I really admire anyone who can find more than one use for things!” exclaimed one of the judges.

“Agreed! Not everything should go in the garbage,” said another.

“Saving money is a great skill to have,” the third judge announced.

Because of her clear communication skills, Journey was awarded second place! (Darn that kid who won first place had to go and make frisbees out of saucers.) It was her first show, and she was so proud she advanced to the state level!

Once she got home, she told Elle all about it. Then they celebrated with ice cream and great conversation!


SCSC Writing Contest Anthology 2023-24 Copyright © 2024 by South Central Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.