

By Cade Gueltzow

    Hi, I’m Areon. My brother and I were supposed to find the Arctic back in 1811. We had a ton of theories, but definitely not enough to prove that it existed. So we set off to go there. Little did we know, it was treacherous.

We got a giant boat and set sail with a ton of food and resources. We thought we were ready. We started from England even though we are not from there. Sorry I did not tell you earlier, but my brother’s name is Romen. Now let’s get back to the story.

So now that we were off, we turned when we needed to, and made it through the first night. The second day wasn’t the best. We immediately noticed that the food was decreasing fast. It was definitely us eating too much. So we only had one meal that day. The third day was the worst. I was on the other side of the ship, when I would yell, “TURN!” and my brother would turn. When I would say “TURN LEFT!” he would turn left. All was fine until I had said, “TURN RIGHTTTTTT,” on the other side of the ship.

He didn’t turn right. I was so mad I just stayed on the other side. I was being petty. Then I realized he wasn’t even up there controlling the ship! He was downstairs!

“Ugh, he’s probably eating food that we should be saving!” I said. Even though I was right, that wasn’t the point. The point was to get to the wheel.

I ran over and I grabbed it. But it was too late, we were headed straight for an iceberg! I turned as far left as I could, then something terrifying happened. I heard a huge “BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR” from the side of the ship! I immediately ran down the stairs to see why Romen was down there.

He said, “It was lunch time.”

Then I realized how dumb I was. I hadn’t even told him about the scary noise yet.

“By the way, what was that noise?” asked Romen.

I told him the ship hit an iceberg. Of course he hadn’t handled it well, and frankly, neither did I.

Then the ship started tilting bit by bit. That’s when Romen and I realized how much danger we were in! There was also more to worry about! NO ONE WAS CONTROLLING THE SHIP!

Romen immediately blew past me! I followed him to the front of the ship. But it was too late, as the ship turned left and right, we just knew we couldn’t get to safety. Then the ship started sinking. The thing we feared the most, an now a reality.

Well, here we are, the climax. As the ship started sinking, we started to tilt left and right, like I said. Romen immediately started screaming, while my heart was only pounding. Then I tried to run downstairs to get supplies to use if we SURVIVE. Spoiler alert, we did.

Well, I made it down there and grabbed everything I could, including two barrels. That will be important later. I struggled to get back up of course, but when I did, I saw Romen holding on for life to the edge of the ship. He couldn’t swim.

I ran down to grab him before he could fall. Thankfully, I grabbed his hand successfully and pulled him up. Then all the stuff I carried up started to tilt to the other side. I ran and grabbed them back, but I started to tilt super fast. It was too much weight to handle. Romen just got up and didn’t realize I was tilting, too. But when he did, water started to fill the ship, making everything slippery.

I slipped and fell down on my face, sliding down. When I got up, I saw that all the stuff I picked up earlier had fallen into the water! Except for the two barrels? PERFECT! I could open the top of the barrel and jump in. After that, I could call for help. The Pacific isn’t too far away from some ships. And the best part, there was a second barrel for Romen to jump in, too.

I told Romen the plan, and he said it could work. So we both jumped into the water, with me holding Romen’s hand. Because like I said, Romen can’t swim. We both climbed into the barrels, screaming for help, out in the middle of nowhere.

A ship, a ship? Yup, we actually found a ship. It took a few hours, but a ship finally came! We screamed as loud as we could for help, but it didn’t even come near us. We were disappointed and scared at the same time. What could we do?

Hours, and hours and hours passed. We didn’t even sleep! Well, we shouldn’t have anyway, as we could fall out of the barrels! As we waited, we realized that we needed food to survive. So we wait … and scream. I know this probably sounds repetitive, but it’s really what happened!

Another ship! It took 16 HOURS! It started moving towards us. A voice called out to us, “GRAB ON MATE!” A ladder dropped down right by us. I grabbed Romen’s hand and pulled him up the ladder. We told our rescuer the entire story. He was shocked.

“I have never seen survivors from a sinking ship before!” he shouted. For some reason, Romen and I felt proud of that.

“Where are we going?” Roman asked.

“Well, we were going to go to where you two were going, but we got all turned around after the waves got too big. Then we found you and your brother from far away. You guys are very lucky. You both could have very well DIED!” We were shocked at the realization!

“Guys it’s time to go downstairs for some sleep,” one of the crew members said. So we went to sleep. The next morning we realized we were still SOAKING WET. That really bothered us, but we pulled through. Then Romen and I saw something. Something amazing!

“LAND!” we both yelled so loud the people in the top floors could even hear us, piquing their interest. By the time we were about to fly away with excitement, a whole group of people were celebrating about making it to land. Until we all realized it wasn’t land. We were fools.

Everyone was mumbling in their disappointment going back downstairs. What was it? you ask. No not an iceberg, thankfully. No, it was a big pile of rock and wood and garbage. We just sat there for a while. Until we found something underwater. Our ship! But by then it was a wreck, so we stayed quiet. And by then we looked up at the sky. It was already night, so we went downstairs and went to bed. When we woke up and we went upstairs, rinse and repeat.

It took us two weeks to get back to England. Everyone just looked at us when we got there. Until someone just gave us a newspaper and walked away, without saying anything. When we looked at the back of the newspaper it said, ‘’Areon Williams and Romen Williams presumed deceased.”

Romen and I just stared at each other. We were shocked. “We have to clear up this miscommunication NOW!” I shouted.

“Can you imagine what Mom must be going through?” Romen cried.

We took off on foot as fast as we could. We reached our mother’s doorstep and pounded until our fists were blue. Our overcome with emotion mother came to the door.

“Mom,” said Romen.

“We’re home,” I finished. “Let us tell you everything,” I restarted.


SCSC Writing Contest Anthology 2023-24 Copyright © 2024 by South Central Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.