

By Joslyn Sellner

Tractors are very popular and make a big income in our life. Tractors are also very important to everyone in the world. You need tractors to survive as well. Tractors are used with a lot of stuff and one of them is farming. You farm to survive and eat. Farming is also a big income to our life as well.

Tractors are a good way to innovate because you use them to get corn, beans, and cotton. One of the bad innovations about tractors is that they now cost ten thousand dollars through two hundred thousand dollars, when they used to cost six hundred twenty-five dollars through three hundred ninety-five dollars. ”The peak year of tractor production was 1951, during which 564,000 units were made” (eh.net). These products got more popular over the years. Tractors are a big income to the world. It helps everyone have enough money to eat, buy, and survive.

My dad used to have a farm and he had cows. He farmed and did lots of things that involved farming or using tractors. After that he sold his farm and he got a big income but had to give some of the income to his sisters and brothers. My dad also works for a tractor investment which has tractors he sells and lots more involving framing. One bad innovation of tractors is that they don’t sell that quickly because they are really expensive. Sometimes they sell really quickly because they are one of the most used products. My dad also had lots of land with growing corn and that helped the cows eat and increased my dads income too. My dad was thinking of getting more animals but then decided not too. My dad never wanted to sell the farm but his brothers and sisters wanted too. So he had no choice but it was a new thing he wanted to try.

“Based on the sales of major tractor manufacturers, there are currently approximately 16 million tractors in operation”(krishijagran.com). People make tractors everyday as well and it helps the world a lot. People also sell a lot of tractors each day too. It helps the world by letting us eat what is farmed and it helps with our health.

Once my dad accidentally hit his tractor with rocks and it always damaged his tractors. So we decided to go rock picking for him and we saved a lot of money, saved lots of time, and wasted less gas.

Tractors have improved from the 1990s. One way that they have improved is that they used to not have covers on them, which made it very dangerous for the driver because if they ran over a rock it might bounce back and hit the driver. Now they have covers so it is less dangerous for the driver and the tractor. Another part of tractors is that they used to have not as well working engines. Now they have better engines so they can hold more gas and more liquid.

The innovation about tractors goes into my life because everyone can farm and work to help everyone survive. Everyone can help out and use tractors for the benefit of people. If we all help out farming and using tractors we can save most of the people dying and we can also help out ourselves. It helps ourselves so we can learn how to become a farmer in our future if we want to. It also helps us if we want to have a good record if we want to be a different person or get a different job in the future. We can also change ourselves if we don’t want to be who we are to the world and to other people. It helps us not to be on social media all the time and lots more. You also get paid from the government after your farm is changed for the better.


Works Cited

White, William. “Economic History of Tractors in the United States”. EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. March 26, 2008. https://eh.net/encyclopedia/economic-history-of-tractors-in-the-united-states. March 9, 2023

https://eh.net. Economic History Services, July 2002, https://eh.net. March 9, 2023


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