
The Helpfulness in Innovation

By Macy Miller

This is my honest opinion on innovation and it helping with your business. Here
are some reasons why innovation is good and helpful. “It first will reduce cost on stuff, like you wanted to make a sweater.”(Bdc.ca) When you make the sweater it will probably cost not as much to buy one. But at the same time it could cost more to make it. “Second innovation could help reduce waste, like you could use scrapes from garbage and then it turned into something useful like compost.”(Bdc.ca) This could also help the climate and animals in the end. “Third Improving customer relationships, when you sell the items for a cheap price and it’s useful, more customers will come back wanting more of it.”(Bdc.ca) When this happens you would gain business and customers. “Fourth, beating your competitors, you can use innovation and creativity to beat the other businesses. “(Medium.com.)When you make it useful and creative you can build a customer relationship. “Fifth, solving problems in my opinion this one is a big one for innovation and your business.”(Medium.com.) You would probably have a lot of problems with your business along the way. So you would need a solution to the problem so a fun creative one would help. “Sixth, market your business, you would definitely need innovation for this one.”(Medium.com.) You need your business to stand out and you need people to remember your business. It should also be unique. So you would need a new brand. Also work with a non-profit organization. If your business is unique people will probably remember it. “Seventh, increase your productivity. You’re probably going to have a hard time getting everything done.”(Medium.com.) You’re going to have to find a new way to get stuff done so with innovation on your side you should think of creative ways to get stuff done. Those are Seven ways innovation can help you and your business.

In conclusion, innovation can help solve problems with creativity. Increase productivity with creative solutions, market your business to make your business stand out, reduce waste to help climate, boost your marketing positions, beat your competition easily, and lastly improve the relationship with your customers with your items being helpful. With all this I can apply this to my life if I ever want to start my own business or make a creative solution to problems. Other people could apply this too!


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