
The Cyber Duck

By Dustin Burrichter and Carsten Clark

Long ago, the ducks were an inferior race on the planet Mars. As time passed, the ducks became smarter and smarter until the cyber ducks were born. The cyber ducks have advanced technology that allow them to fight!

After some time, robotic turtles came to the planet Mars and started a war against the cyber ducks. The turtles had the upper hand, as they had a time machine teleporter. This was even more advanced technology that allowed them to teleport into the ducks’ base, giving them the upper hand.

All of the sudden the turtles heard a strange sound. The cyber ducks had crafted a slingshot. The ducks used the slingshot to launch themselves at the turtles’ machine. The cyber ducks were cyber so they were not hurt and the machine was a bust! The turtles no longer had the upper hand. The ducks became deadly. The turtles ran away crying and screaming for their mommies.


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