
Innovation on Cars

By Gus Hoffmann

Over the times of the cars the innovation has been very good and interesting since they first came out in 1886.  Back then when Cars first came out and now are a big difference.  Then when cars were created in Germany in the 1880s.  The cars didn’t have tops so the wind, rain, and snow would get in your car.  But now we have roofs and windows so snow, rain, win and hail don’t get in your car.  Japan expanded companies over to the United states.  It helped a lot of people get cars.  The cars helped the military get to places and make tanks.  Since then they were able to make tanks and defeat their enemies.  Soon after that all of the companies expanded around the world.

Now we have electric cars that can move fast and even drive on their own.  The electric cars can pick a place where to eat.  They also have more advanced safety features.  Life the airbags, when cars first came out they did not have airbags.  They only had a steering wheel to stop you. When you get in a crash.

Now let’s talk about the seat belts.  They only had a leather strap.  The seat belts would really hurt when they got into a crash.  Then people would get really bad bruises.  That would change people’s lives and how they live.

Let’s talk about the wheels and how they improved from the 1800s.  The wheels back then were only metal, but today they are really strong and made of rubber.  The wheels now are really hard, so they can go over rocks, and sharp objects without popping.  That is my essay on Innovation.

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