The Performance.

By Sofia Skuza Rivera

Its an emptiness

Not being present.

Agdusting to a place, adjusting to its secrets

which seem artificial


One is supposed to explain nothing

Yet show everything

But for this, one doesn’t get anything in return


It’s simply an illusion

A fake replica of each person’s life:


–     A seemingly kind carefree young man

As his heart lies with his cigar, flipping through a magazine




His presence was drained

His knuckles turning a pale white,

From the pressure from his balled fists



          –      A woman brushed her lips against her son’s cheek

Maybe in hopes of accessing the kindness within him

He moved away at her gesture


She seemed fine.


She wasn’t.


The phenomenon that is our lies and persuasion

As small as

The crease between aging eyelids

Yet it always seems to take up one’s life


For others, we lie,

For others, we suffer


For us…

 I dont know.


Minnesota Poetry Ourselves 2024 Copyright © by South Central Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.

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