My bleeding heart, oh my bleeding heart

by Adelyn Fox

Oh my bleeding heart


Oh my bleeding heart.

My heart that bleeds and weeps for all to see,

For all to watch and stare


At the train wreck that it has turned me into.

However, I found much like a train wreck

We can’t look away


Because it is beautiful like the flower that has given it it’s name

But is as tragic as it meaning.

Rejected, liked but not loved.


It is beautiful, sweet, vibrant and pure

But it is so heavy, heavy with

The burden of the blood it holds


Oh my bleeding heart.

It yearns to be belladonna,

Cold, deadly, and graceful


But it never will be. My heart

Will remain bleeding for all too see

For all to bare witness


I beg to you all, to see my heart

See it and know it bleeds because it holds.

Holds love, anger, peace, and violence


Oh my bleeding heart

Beautiful as the flower from which it’s named

But as painful as the rocks from which it came.


Minnesota Poetry Ourselves 2024 Copyright © by South Central Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.

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