All I Want is The Truth.

by Sofia Skuza Rivera

It’s a mere chance

One you’ll never take


All I want is what you can’t give me

I wish your voice wouldn’t echo in my body

Like it’s an empty room you seem to inhabit

I want to neglect the words you give to me, a present you’re so proud of

Each letter still piercing the surface layer of my skin

Yet for some reason, you still can’t give me what I want


A blanket was gently placed over your eyes

Yet for some reason, you can still see me


But when I try to find you, you’re still hidden away


All I can ever get from you is your voice

One I can simultaneously worship and loathe at once

So much is held in that frail sound, so much that I have locked away for good



Yet, somehow I still wish I could hear it.


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