Burning Envy

by Jeslyn Olson

Their attention a brand

Searing my skin

Envy so bright I can’t help but close my eyes

Yet the stars still find me

Burning brighter

Envious for a love unattainable

Caged in heavenly prisons

The heat of their gaze a blast furnace.


Looking up from love’s embrace

I pity their helpless state

They darken

I cling tighter.


Remembering my skin is made of tinder

And their attention a lit match

They spark back to life.


I can only escape their piercing gaze in daylight

Under the kindness of the sun.


At nightfall they return,

Brandishing their irons

They seek me out

The envious stars.


Minnesota Poetry Ourselves 2024 Copyright © by South Central Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.

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