
10 Chapter 10

Rick Pospichal

Rick Pospichal  

Advice for Future Change Leadership Students

My name is Rick Pospichal and I am a graduate student within the Leadership Education program with a focus on Organizational Leadership. Prior to starting the Change Leadership course, I had completed a total of 7 graduate credits. Due to varying circumstances, I did not attend college immediately after high school, instead waiting until I was in my mid 30’s.  I chose a very non-traditional educational path and earned a Bachelor’s degree the semester prior to enrolling in the graduate program. The first few classes that I completed within the program were challenging, but not nearly at the level of Change Leadership.

Prior to taking Change Leadership, I had the opportunity to network with fellow classmates about Scholarship and Change Leadership. They advised me that there was a higher expectation for writing standards than other professors within the department. Knowing this, I entered the class with a degree of anxiety. Change Leadership was challenging at the beginning, but it became much easier once the expectations and standards of the instructor became clear.

Although the course is called Change Leadership, it encompasses much more than that. The structure of the course consists of a text, which identifies many leadership styles and how one can apply them to their own work experience. The class is divided into groups and each group is responsible for case studies every week. This provides an excellent opportunity to analyze and identify the leadership styles, and creates opportunities for thought provoking conversations. Oftentimes, it even leads to one questioning their own leadership style. Beyond the weekly case studies, the instructor makes it a priority each week to build each class member into a more successful leader. Examples of these activities that we experienced were a personal branding workshop, networking activities, and learning how to write letters of recommendation. Personally, I believe a class name such as Leadership 101 or Leadership Theories and Development would be more suitable.

Although I successfully navigated the course, I would offer some advice for future students of Change Leadership ranging from basic leadership behavior to the necessity of understanding or quickly learning academic research and writing.

  • The first bit of advice, and arguably the most important, is to create a working relationship with the instructor. The first class for me was very intimidating, but I quickly learned that the instructor expected the class to exhibit their best, and in return, the instructor would go the extra mile to ensure the success of the students. The instructor is very approachable and welcomes students to visit the Leadership Education department to discuss any class concerns.
  •  The next bit of advice is to make a conscious effort to brush up or improve academic writing skills. The instructor expects all students to demonstrate top tier academic writing skills. I met with the instructor and was terrified when my paper was full of red marks where the instructor suggested revisions. Although I was intimidated, the process of modifying my papers taught me how to be a better and more confident writer. I would strongly suggest that all students learn how to use Microsoft Word efficiently and learn how to navigate APA websites to find proper formatting of academic papers. I would argue that every student has the ability to improve himself or herself within the span of the course and be successful. I lacked high-school academic writing experience and only recently had a college level English course, which had very limited writing requirements.
  • Another important bit of advice is to utilize the resources available. It is imperative that students create relationships with their peers and instructors so they have a professional and academic network that they can rely on when needed. They must also be willing to be a resource for others when called upon. I feel that I have gained some longtime relationships that will go beyond my academic career.
  • It is imperative to be prepared for class each week. Each week will consist of reading a chapter regarding leadership theories, discussing case studies, and thought provoking conversations. Every student should be knowledgeable of the material and be a contributor to the class discussions. The instructor expects that each student provide his or her perspectives and understanding of the material.
  • Embrace the professional enrichment activities, such as the Branding, Inc. workshop and the networking opportunities. They may seem like busy work at the time, but if the students embrace them and apply them to themselves, they will be a much better and successful leader long-term. The activities also educate the students how to be a more desired candidate when applying for careers.

In conclusion, the Change Leadership course may appear to be challenging, but it will be very beneficial to academic and professional careers if there is a willingness to work hard and embrace the lessons of the instructor. In addition, I would strongly recommend that the students be willing to analyze their own behaviors and leadership styles. It may feel uncomfortable at times, but the positive effects outweigh the short-term feeling of vulnerability.


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