Daily meditation helps us in living our today better than yesterday and our tomorrow better than today. It takes us closer to the perfect fit. A few lines below reflect the power and beauty of meditation, a guide towards perfection.
Meditating thy light, thou have lit,
Surrendering to thy mother wit,
Makes our way to the perfect fit
Meditating thy name, the word kit,
Living daily thy holy writ,
Guides our way to the perfect fit
Thy presence in body, mind & spirit,
Remembering thee, a daily habit,
Moulds our way to the perfect fit
Seeing thy love in every bit,
Feeling thy grace bit by bit,
Shapes our way to the perfect fit
Knowing all are thine, sunlit,
Glittering in darkness, stars, moonlit,
Lights our way to the perfect fit
The ultimate goal of meditation is freedom not only from the transient material world but also from the never-ending cycle of birth & death called transmigration. Meditation finally culminates in a merger of our soul with the over soul, the supreme divine light of God. As Albert Einstein points out “Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
As the divine prayer appeals to the Lord,
Oh Lord,
Lead me from falsehood to truth, ultimate reality,
Lead me from darkness to light, supreme divinity,
Lead me from death to immortality, infinite eternity.
Give a thought to meditation. Speak about how you can incorporate meditation in your daily living. Act and meditate now to be a self-healer, a self-helper, a self-doctor, and a silent meditator.